
Terms for subject Figurative containing upped | all forms
up the anteподнять ставки (the announcement upped the ante in the take-over battle Olga Okuneva)
up the anteзаострить ситуацию (Liv Bliss)
up the anteподнять планку (Telecaster)
up the anteподнимать градус (напряжённости и т. п. VLZ_58)
up the anteподнимать ставки (increase what is at stake or under discussion, especially in a conflict or dispute: According to him, the West is not going to up the ante in this war. -- Запад не будет поднимать ставки в этой войне ART Vancouver)
up the anteвыйти на новый уровень (After successfully robbing a bank together, Mike and his friend Jeff decide to up the ante and clean out a Beverly Hills jewelry store.) ART Vancouver)
up the anteповысить градус (4uzhoj)
up the anteподнять градус (SirReal)
up the anteподлить масла в огонь (Meanwhile, the Swiss Olympic Organizing Committee had already formally accepted the AHA application when the executive committee of the International Olympic Committee offered its opinion that both U.S. entries be denied. On January 20, the U.S. Olympic Committee upped the ante by voting 68-6 in favor of withdrawing all American athletes from the Games if the AHA were allowed to participate. rihhof.com VLZ_58)
up the anteподнять цену (Sensing how keen the people looking at the house were, Jerry upped the ante another $5,000. Val_Ships)
up the anteзамахнуться на что-нибудь покрупнее (After successfully robbing a bank together, Mike and his friend Jeff decide to up the ante and clean out a Beverly Hills jewelry store. ART Vancouver)
up the anteповысить ставки (the announcement upped the ante in the take-over battle Olga Okuneva)