
Terms for subject Security systems containing underworld | all forms | exact matches only
militant underworldтеррористическое подполье (the word militant is sometimes used as a euphemism for terrorist or armed insurgent. The mass media sometimes uses the term "militant" in the context of terrorism. Journalists sometimes apply the term militant to movements using terrorism as a tactic. The mass media also has used the term militant groups or radical militants for terrorist organizations. In this usage, "militant" is virtually a euphemism for "terrorist"; "член ополчения", "ополченец" in English is a "militiaman"; New York Times Alex_Odeychuk)
underworld contactsсвязи преступные (отношения, устанавливаемые между лицами, причастными к готовящемуся или совершаемому преступлению либо связанными совместной преступной деятельностью на регулярной основе Alex_Odeychuk)
with intelligence and underworld connectionsсо связями в разведке и уголовном мире (New York Times Alex_Odeychuk)