
Terms containing under the plan | all forms | in specified order only
Makarov.lack of money put the skids under our planнедостаток средств привёл к провалу нашего плана
ed.the education plan has been completed under accelerated programmeОбразовательная программа освоена по ускоренной программе
Makarov.the plan was kept carefully under wrapsплан был строго засекречен
econ.under the next five-year planсогласно плану развития на предстоящую пятилетку (CNN Alex_Odeychuk)
gen.under the planв соответствии с этим планом (Under the plan, the owner of a typical $600,000 home, who currently pays $432 annually for Metro services, will be paying $660 by 2012. ART Vancouver)
railw.under the planпо плану
gen.under the planпо этому плану (Under the plan, the owner of a typical $600,000 home, who currently pays $432 annually for Metro services, will be paying $660 by 2012. ART Vancouver)
gen.under the planв соответствии с планом (Alexander Demidov)
gen.under the planсогласно этому плану (Under the plan, the owner of a typical $600,000 home, who currently pays $432 annually for Metro services, will be paying $660 by 2012. ART Vancouver)