
Terms for subject General containing under the control | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
come under the control ofперейти под контроль (With the fall of Benin, Nigeria gradually came under the control of the British through the Royal Niger Company... VLZ_58)
device, originally placed in a small suitcase, which is under the control of the president and which may give start to a strategic assault or rebuffядерный чемоданчик (ABelonogov)
for reasons under the control ofпо причинам, зависящим от (If delivery cannot be made to your address for reasons under the control of Quickcrop, Quickcrop will inform you as soon as possible and refund you for any ... Alexander Demidov)
have the situation under controlдержать ситуацию под контролем (Soulbringer)
operate under the control ofработать в режиме подчинённом по отношению к (Alexander Demidov)
place under the control ofпередавать на управление (Plans to merge police and emergency services and place them under the control of elected police and crime commissioners (PCC) have come ... Alexander Demidov)
reasons under the control ofпричины, зависящие от (The participant's enrolment is terminated by the academic institution for reasons under the control of the participant (including failure to meet academic or ... | ... accept responsibility where any defect in the goods has been partially or wholly the result of reasons under the control of the Buyer or its agents or purchasers. Alexander Demidov)
this area is under the control of the military authoritiesэтот район в ведении военных властей
under the close controlпод пристальным наблюдением (Ivan Pisarev)
under the close controlобъект пристального внимания (Ivan Pisarev)
under the close controlпод контролем (Ivan Pisarev)
under the close controlпод пристальным контролем (Ivan Pisarev)
under the close controlпредмет пристального внимания (Ivan Pisarev)
under the close controlпод наблюдением (Ivan Pisarev)
under the close controlпод пристальным вниманием (Ivan Pisarev)
under the close controlподвергающийся строгой проверке (Ivan Pisarev)
under the close controlв центре внимания (Ivan Pisarev)
under the close controlподвергающийся проверке (Ivan Pisarev)
under the controlподконтрольный (with dat., of)
under the controlподвластный (of)
under the control ofподконтрольный (ABelonogov)
under the control ofподчинён (защитные меры подчинены кому-то или чему-то essence)
under the economic control ofзакреплённый на праве хозяйственного ведения за (Alexander Demidov)