
Terms for subject Informal containing truth | all forms | exact matches only
ain't that the truthи не говори (SirReal)
ain't that the truthв точку! (SirReal)
ain't that the truthне то слово! (SirReal)
ain't that the truthи то правда (DoctorKto)
Candy-coat the truthсгладить правду, подсластить правду, смягчите правду (smb2luv)
convenient truthудобная правда (Alexander Matytsin)
drop truth bombsрезать правду-матку (Antonio Conte asks for sack by dropping truth bombs after Spurs surrender • Prince Harry to drop 'truth bombs' in 'deeply personal' episode for Oprah Winfrey mental health series, insider claims wiktionary.org, thesun.co.uk, football-addict.com Alexander Oshis)
get at the truthдокапываться до правды (at the facts, at the root of the trouble, at the cause of the disturbance, at the heart of things, etc., и т.д.)
gospel truthаксиома (It's not gospel truth on its own and is certainly open to questioning. 4uzhoj)
gospel truthистина в последней инстанции (Ratings can at best be the verdict of the sampled population, never the gospel's truth. 4uzhoj)
help one see the truthпрочищать глаза
help one see the truthпрочистить глаза
homespun truthсермяжная правда (wikipedia.org artiom.jedidiah)
in truthвзаправду
in truthчто греха таить (MichaelBurov)
in truthесли по правде (in truth, she was more than a little unhappy Val_Ships)
in very truth!ей-же-ей
in very truth!ей-ей
moment of truthкритический момент (момент истины; "Are you in or out?" she asked. Moment of truth. Val_Ships)
seek out the truthдокопаться до истины (Alex_Odeychuk)
seeking the truthв поисках истины (in search or quest of it Val_Ships)
stand up for the truthстоять за правду
stretch the truthприлгать (pf of прилыгать)
stretch the truthприлыгать
stretch the truthприлгнуть
stretch the truthприлгать
there's a measure/grain of truth in thatесть маленько (VLZ_58)
there's some truth to that/itесть немного (used as a gentle confirmation of an observation, a thought, s.o.’s statement, or in response to a question that is true to a certain extent: VLZ_58)
there's some truth to that/itесть маленько (used as a gentle confirmation of an observation, a thought, s.o.’s statement, or in response to a question) that is true to a certain extent: VLZ_58)
there's truth in what you say/he saysесть маленько (VLZ_58)
truth be toldесли честно (this also works for по правде сказать (говоря), etc. Liv Bliss)
truth be toldпо правде говоря (Val_Ships)
truth bombгорькая правда (A blunt, undiplomatic statement of something that is true that others may not want or expect to hear.: They tend to nurture by telling the truth, sometimes more than most people want to hear. The challenge with this placement lies in learning patience and diplomacy. It's easier to swallow a truth bomb if it comes wrapped in a little kindness. • Holding boundaries is the place we often get stuck. So, I'm going to hit you with a truth bomb: boundaries are only seen as selfish to those who benefit from you having poor boundaries. wiktionary.org Alexander Oshis)
truth bombнеприятная правда (A blunt, undiplomatic statement of something that is true that others may not want or expect to hear.: They tend to nurture by telling the truth, sometimes more than most people want to hear. The challenge with this placement lies in learning patience and diplomacy. It's easier to swallow a truth bomb if it comes wrapped in a little kindness. • Holding boundaries is the place we often get stuck. So, I'm going to hit you with a truth bomb: boundaries are only seen as selfish to those who benefit from you having poor boundaries. wiktionary.org Alexander Oshis)
Truth or dare?игра на интерес (4uzhoj)
your words have a ring of truthесть маленько (VLZ_58)
your words have a ring of truth to themесть маленько (his, etc. VLZ_58)