
Terms containing tobogganing | all forms
Gruzovik, dial.a box, sieve, etc, with ice-covered bottom used for tobogganingледянка
dial.a box with ice-covered bottom used for tobogganingледянка
gen.go tobogganingкататься на санках (Yesterday we went tobogganing with the kids on Mt Seymour. – поехали с детьми кататься на санках ART Vancouver)
sport.International Federation Of Bobsleigh and TobogganingМеждународная федерация бобслея и тобоггана (ФИБТ AliceKa)
gen.prices tobogganedцены резко упали
gen.toboggan down the hillскатиться с горки на санках (Well, most municipalities know how to plan for winter, the City of Vancouver runs on thoughts and prayers for anything snow-related... they do nothing. We live on a hill and I think we might just skate or toboggan down the hill today. (Twitter) ART Vancouver)