
Terms for subject Idiomatic containing there are | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
there are a lot of teams in the leagueбольшой выбор (Am.E.: Some people find Allah. Some people find Jesus. There are a lot of teams in the league Taras)
there are a lot of teams in the leagueвыбор большой (Am.E.: Some people find Allah. Some people find Jesus. There are a lot of teams in the league Taras)
there are fewНемного найдётся людей (There are few whom Las Vegas at night cannot bring to awe. – вызвать восхищение)
there are no atheists in foxholesв окопах не бывает атеистов (jusska)
there are only a few ofможно сосчитать по пальцам одной руки (sankozh)
there are other fish in the seaсвет клином не сошелся
there are too many mouths to stopна чужой роток не накинешь платок (Taras)