
Terms for subject Idiomatic containing that is it | all forms | in specified order only
and that's itи дело в шляпе (Abysslooker)
for that reason, it is here it stayпо этой причине оно остаётся актуальным (Alex_Odeychuk)
is that what they're calling it now?это так теперь называется? (Used to indicate that something the other person said is or could be a euphemism for something. Often said sarcastically to indicate that the original description is disingenuous, misleading, or deceptive.: "Apparently, the new album is meant to be an homage to the Beatles." B: "Is that what they're calling it now, an 'homage'? Because to me it's just a no-talent hack ripping off a bunch of the Beatles' most famous songs." thefreedictionary.com 'More)
is that what they're calling it now?это так сейчас называют? ('More)
is that what they're calling it now?это так теперь называют? ('More)
is that what they're calling it now?это так сейчас называется? (Used to indicate that something the other person said is or could be a euphemism for something. Often said sarcastically to indicate that the original description is disingenuous, misleading, or deceptive.: "Apparently, the new album is meant to be an homage to the Beatles." B: "Is that what they're calling it now, an 'homage'? Because to me it's just a no-talent hack ripping off a bunch of the Beatles' most famous songs." 'More)
is that what they're calling it these days?это так теперь называется? (Used to indicate that something the other person said is or could be a euphemism for something. Often said sarcastically to indicate that the original description is disingenuous, misleading, or deceptive.: "Where did Paula and Jason go?" B: "They said they were going back to Jason's apartment to study." A: "Oh, is that what they're calling it these days? In my day we called it 'hooking up'!" thefreedictionary.com 'More)
is that what they're calling it these days?это так сейчас называется? (Used to indicate that something the other person said is or could be a euphemism for something. Often said sarcastically to indicate that the original description is disingenuous, misleading, or deceptive.: "Where did Paula and Jason go?" B: "They said they were going back to Jason's apartment to study." A: "Oh, is that what they're calling it these days? In my day we called it 'hooking up'!" thefreedictionary.com 'More)
it is a bad workman that has a bad sawплох тот работник, у которого плохая пила (Yeldar Azanbayev)
it is a chilling thought thatмороз по коже пробирает при мысли о том, что (As incredible as it may sound, and taking into consideration the bizarre events of 2007 in the mysterious woods of the Cannock Chase, Wes is undeniably correct in his stance that such infernal monsters are “among us.” It’s a chilling thought that werewolves are not merely the product of horror-writers, Hollywood, and ancient folklore and mythology. mysteriousuniverse.org ART Vancouver)
it is a good horse that never stumblesконь о четырёх ногах, да и то спотыкается
it is a long lane that has no turningи несчастьям бывает конец
it is confirmed thatподтверждаем, что (financial-engineer)
it is confirmed thatподтверждаю, что (financial-engineer)
it is confirmed thatполучено подтверждение, что (financial-engineer)
it is not at all a stretch of the imagination to think thatне будет вольностью предположить, что (While there is no proof of a nuts-and-bolts UFO in the skies over the America-Canada border area on the afternoon of the 12th February 1954, given what we know of such incidents, including just how many UFO sightings take place in the state of Washington, it is not at all a stretch of the imagination to think that what ultimately led the young man to his death that morning was an “intercept” mission as opposed to pilot error on an instrument checking mission. (ufoinsight.com) • Так что не будет вольностью предположить, что в каких-нибудь архивах дальних стран можно будет найти и имя владельца этой загородной резиденции. (из рус. источников) ART Vancouver)
it is of importance to note thatважно заметить, что (Yeldar Azanbayev)
it is the first step that costsтруден только первый шаг (Yeldar Azanbayev)
it is the first step that costsвеликое путешествие начинается с первого шага (Yeldar Azanbayev)
it is the first step that costsпуть в тысячу миль начинается с одного шага (Yeldar Azanbayev)
life is so awfully off-course that it can't get any worseдела как сажа бела (george serebryakov)
that hasn't been so fantastic, has it?это было не фонтан, правда? (Washington Post Alex_Odeychuk)
that's how it goesтакие дела (Ivan Pisarev)
that's how it goesвот такие пироги с котятами (george serebryakov)
that's the way it isимеем то, что имеем (grafleonov)
that's what it all boils down toвот где собака зарыта (4uzhoj)
where something is thin, that's where it tearsгде тонко, там и рвётся (Yeldar Azanbayev)