
Terms for subject Cliche / convention containing that's | all forms | in specified order only
an additional point is thatкроме того (Leonid Dzhepko)
definitely won't be doing that againбольше никогда не буду так поступать (I usually shower right after I get home from swimming, but I went out directly from the beach this time. Definitely won’t be doing that again. (Reddit) ART Vancouver)
I am hopeful thatя надеюсь, что (“I am hopeful that my actions will ultimately lead to a positive outcome of increased transparency," he said. singularfortean.com ART Vancouver)
I am pleased thatя рад, что (Leonid Dzhepko)
if that is the caseесли дело обстоит таким образом (The lack of any new sightings or evidence suggests that if these things ever existed at all, then they may well have already gone extinct or are close to it. If that is the case, then perhaps we will never know what they were or are. (mysteriousuniverse.org) ART Vancouver)
if that is the caseесли это так (The lack of any new sightings or evidence suggests that if these things ever existed at all, then they may well have already gone extinct or are close to it. If that is the case, then perhaps we will never know what they were or are. (mysteriousuniverse.org) ART Vancouver)
I'll be right back with thatсейчас принесу (ART Vancouver)
is that all there is?только и всего? (ART Vancouver)
is that even worth it?стоит ли оно того? (I don't know if I would want to buy outright, but maybe put enough of a downpayment to have a mortgage somewhere around 1,000/month....but again, with the rates, is that even worth it? -- Вообще, стоит ли оно того? (Reddit) ART Vancouver)
it is with deep sadness that we share the news thatс глубоким прискорбием сообщаем (It is with deep sadness that we share the news that Ian Punnett passed away from a brief illness yesterday. His keen intellect and delightful sense of humor will be deeply missed. coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver)
it really is that simpleвсё очень просто (If you don't have the proper tires, know how to drive the conditions, leave plenty of space between cars... leave the car at home. It really is that simple. ART Vancouver)
it should be noted thatследует отметить, что (*** при огромном изобилии предложенных вариантов именно этот является наиболее точным: It should be noted that the building had been in a state of disrepair for some time. ART Vancouver)
it was not until ... thatтолько когда (with verbs in the past: On May 2 at about 3:00pm, my neighbor Ken took a series of 3 shots of me throwing my Frisbee in my backyard. I should have seen that white disc in the top left corner, but I didn't and neither did my friend who was taking the photos. It was not until I downloaded the pictures to my computer that I saw it. We are truly perplexed that we didn't see it at the time. ART Vancouver)
it was then thatименно в этот момент (что-то произошло: At first, they thought it was a joke being played on them by their friends, but as the wailing intensified they ran away in a panic. As the two friends ran down the hill along a trail they reached a curve in the path, and it was then that the source of the alien howling made itself known. According to Carlson, a huge, 7-to-8-foot-tall hairy female creature, naked except for a cloth around the waist, lumbered into view. (mysteriousuniverse.org) ART Vancouver)
it's a good thing thatхорошо, что (I noticed that some St. Louis fans were booing the Canadian anthem. It's a good thing that we won't have to go back there after Tuesday's game.• Perhaps it was a good thing he went away. He would never have agreed with this. ART Vancouver)
it's no secret thatне секрет, что (CNN, 2014 Alex_Odeychuk)
let's keep that up!так держать!
let's leave that asideдавайте не будем касаться этой темы (As for a suggestion that the property tax needs to be raised by 3 percent, let’s leave that aside. ART Vancouver)
oh, that's so pretty!!красота! ("So happy! Just purchased a Cowichan sweater, from local buy sell. They are so warm, I just wore it on our walk and now I am sweaty!" "Oh that’s so pretty!! No dryer for that okay? Because it's gonna felt up!!! Great find!" (Twitter) ART Vancouver)
oh, that's so pretty!!как красиво! ("So happy! Just purchased a Cowichan sweater, from local buy sell. They are so warm, I just wore it on our walk and now I am sweaty!" "Oh that’s so pretty!! No dryer for that okay? Because it's gonna felt up!!! Great find!" (Twitter) ART Vancouver)
please be assured thatзаверяю Вас, что (Leonid Dzhepko)
should that be the caseесли дело обстоит именно таким образом (Conceding that he is stumped as to where the creature might be when it is not out looking for food, O’Faodhagain posited that perhaps it "rests on ledges down in the depths of Loch Ness." Should that be the case, he mused, this would "explain why folk do not see her too often during the day, when all tourist cruisers and pleasure crafts are out and about, creating noise and disturbance." (coasttocoastam.com) ART Vancouver)
should that be the caseесли это действительно так (Although the origins of the doll appear to be shrouded in mystery, one business owner in Lucinda claims that the 'little girl' and her swing were created by a local couple as something of an art installation with the goal of adding some color to the community. Should that be the case, their mission has proven to be a strange success as the town has now become infamous for being the home of a haunted doll that curses anyone who dares go near it. (coasttocoastam.com) ART Vancouver)
should that be the caseесли это в самом деле так (Although the origins of the doll appear to be shrouded in mystery, one business owner in Lucinda claims that the 'little girl' and her swing were created by a local couple as something of an art installation with the goal of adding some color to the community. Should that be the case, their mission has proven to be a strange success as the town has now become infamous for being the home of a haunted doll that curses anyone who dares go near it. (coasttocoastam.com) ART Vancouver)
that is another storyэто другая тема (igisheva)
that is another storyэто другой вопрос (igisheva)
that is another storyэто отдельная тема (igisheva)
that is another storyэто отдельный вопрос (igisheva)
that is another storyэто отдельная история (igisheva)
that is another storyэто другая история (igisheva)
that is not the pointне в этом дело (That is not the point. What I'm saying is that some bus drivers should not be on the road. I just saw a near-accident caused by a transit bus travelling in the right turn lane and blowing straight through the intersection. The guy turning left was almost T-boned. ART Vancouver)
that will be something to watch forза этим нужно следить (bloomberg.com Alex_Odeychuk)
that's a big sth.!вот это что-л.! (говоря о размере: The aptly named Shelley Smith helped wrangle the tortoise after spotting workers looking at what she thought was a rock in the field beside her Gilbert Street home in Richmond, south of Vancouver. "I looked again and saw ... it was moving. Ever so slowly — but moving," said Smith. "I walked over and we were all looking at it and saying 'jeez!' That's a big turtle! And he was just looking around at us like 'Hey, help me.'" -- Вот это черепаха! cbc.ca ART Vancouver)
that's a feasible planэтот план вполне осуществим
that's a long ways offдо этого ещё далеко (The long-range forecast does include some rain but that's a long ways off. ART Vancouver)
that's a new oneэто что-то новенькое (Montana is known for plenty of large wildlife like bears, mountain goats and elk. But elephants? That's a new one. (NBC Montana) youtube.com ART Vancouver)
that's a new oneэто что-то новое (Montana is known for plenty of large wildlife like bears, mountain goats and elk. But elephants? That's a new one. (NBC Montana) youtube.com ART Vancouver)
that's a new one!это ещё что за новость! (Leonid Dzhepko)
that's a nice thing to sayне ждал от тебя этого (обиженная реакция: That's a nice thing to say. -- Вот уж этого я от тебя не ждал. ART Vancouver)
that's about itбольше ничего (The late Prof. Fred Rodell of the Yale Law School once remarked that there are two things wrong with almost all legal writing: "One is its style. The other is its content. That's about it." ART Vancouver)
that's about itвот, в общем-то, и всё (Leave a few lights on and make sure you pick up the paper every morning. That's about it. ART Vancouver)
that's all fine and good, butэто всё хорошо, но (That's all fine and good, but they need to address the bottle neck around Hastings and Cassiar to make it work. ART Vancouver)
that's all settled, thenзначит, договорились (Ну, значит, договорились. -- Well, that's all settled, then. • So that's all settled. ART Vancouver)
that's also the case withименно так обстоят дела в (He believes there is nothing wrong with having a lot of urban buildings looking similar, noting that’s also the case with the six-storey apartment blocks of Paris. ART Vancouver)
that's exactly rightсовершенно верно (ART Vancouver)
that's exactly what I wantэто как раз что мне нужно
that's for the bestэто к лучшему (Perhaps that's for the best. -- Может быть, это и к лучшему. ART Vancouver)
that's it for me todayна сегодня я закончил работу (ART Vancouver)
that's it for me todayна сегодня я отработал (ART Vancouver)
that's not really the caseвсё совсем не так (It can feel like this must be true, as every new building project works its way through an agonizing steeplechase to get approved—as if every metre of height and every protruding corner will be the last straw for this so-so-so crowded city. However, as anyone who has lived here longer than a month knows, that’s not really the case. There are squares, rectangles, slices, whole blocks of mystifyingly empty land throughout our supposedly high-priced, packed-to-the-gills metropolis. bcbusiness.ca ART Vancouver)
that's part of itотчасти (ART Vancouver)
that's quite enoughэтого вполне достаточно (Okay, I think that's quite enough. ART Vancouver)
that's rightсовершенно верно (ART Vancouver)
that's settledрешено
that's settledдоговорились!
that's the caseтак обстоят дела (At least, that’s the case in Kirkenes, an Arctic town of some 3,500 people about four miles from the Russian border, known for a snow hotel and breathtaking views of the Northern Lights. -- По крайней мере, так обстоят дела ... time.com ART Vancouver)
that's the least of my worriesэто меньше всего меня беспокоит
that's the sixty-four thousand questionнаиболее важный вопрос (Interex)
that's the sixty-four thousand questionсамый главный вопрос (Interex)
that's what I thoughtя так и думал
that's what ... is all aboutв этом суть ("That's not conflict of interest. That's favoritism." Fine – whatever you call it, should there be inequality in sports? "If you take the risk, if you put up the money. That's what free enterprise is all about." (Vanity Fair) ART Vancouver)
the best-case scenario is thatпри самом наилучшем раскладе событий
the fact that ... is common knowledgeмногие знают о том, что (The fact that neither their bodies nor their aircraft were ever recovered is common knowledge, but one theory regarding their fate isn’t as well known. mentalfloss.com ART Vancouver)
the fact that ... is common knowledgeявляется общеизвестным фактом (The fact that neither their bodies nor their aircraft were ever recovered is common knowledge, but one theory regarding their fate isn’t as well known. mentalfloss.com ART Vancouver)
the fact that ... is common knowledgeмногим известно о том, что (The fact that neither their bodies nor their aircraft were ever recovered is common knowledge, but one theory regarding their fate isn’t as well known. mentalfloss.com ART Vancouver)
the issue is thatпроблема заключается в том, что (He says the City told them they needed to provide additional information and that those documents needed to match the people who live in the home. The issue is that his wife put down her legal name instead of her maiden name on the declaration, which is what was used when they bought the home years ago, and now they have a paper trail nightmare. (dailyhive.com) ART Vancouver)
the likelihood is thatвероятно (It almost sounds impossible, yet within mere moments the school was engulfed by a wave of slurry waste that reached a height of around thirty-feet. Had the children and teachers been outside at the time, the likelihood is that they would have survived. Or, at least, many of them would have. -- Если бы дети и преподаватели были в этот момент на улице, вероятно, они бы выжили. mysteriousuniverse.org ART Vancouver)
the powers that beтайные силы (в правительстве, спецслужбах: Some viewers have suggested that his initial 'giant' video was genuine and that the young man either really did raise the ire of the proverbial 'powers that be' or he was so overcome with paranoia that he believed this was the case. coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver)
the worst-case scenario is thatпри самом худшем раскладе
there is no gainsaying thatочевидно, что (grafleonov)
there is no gainsaying thatнесомненно, что (grafleonov)
there is no gainsaying thatнельзя отрицать тот факт, что (grafleonov)
there is no gainsaying thatне будет преувеличением сказать, что (grafleonov)
this is a reminder thatнапоминаем вам, что (This is a reminder that Clarissa McKay is due for a dental check-up and cleaning on or after Thursday August 18, 2016. ART Vancouver)
this is to inform you thatнастоящим заявлением сообщаю, что (singeline)
what's that got to do with it?при чём тут это?
what's the good of that?а что толку? (ART Vancouver)