
Terms containing terms of lease | all forms | in specified order only
fin.commencement of the lease termначало срока аренды (вк)
tech.lessee's rights under terms of leaseправа арендатора по договору об аренде
lawRevisions of lease termsПересмотр условий аренды (translateme_pro)
Makarov.term of a leaseсрок арендной платы
lawterm of leaseсрок аренды
gen.term of the leaseсрок аренды (As the relationship between the tenant and the landlord is called a tenancy, this term generally is also used for informal and shorter leases. The right to possession by the tenant is sometimes called a leasehold interest. A lease can be for a fixed period of time (called the term of the lease). WK Alexander Demidov)
econ.terms of a leaseусловия аренды
torped.terms of leaseусловия аренды
Makarov.the unexpired term of the leaseнеистёкший срок аренды
Makarov.unexpired term of the leaseнеистёкший срок аренды