
Terms for subject General containing term contract | all forms | in specified order only
at the end of the contract termпо окончанию действия договора (Alexander Demidov)
balance of the contract termвремя, оставшееся до окончания срока действия договора (Alexander Demidov)
fixed term contractконтракт с фиксированным сроком (труд. отн. Кунделев)
fixed-term employment contractсрочный трудовой договор (A fixed-term employment contract lasts for a specified length of time. Alternatively, such contracts can end with the completion of a specified task or when a particular event takes place. For example, fixed-term employees can be brought in to cover for permanent staff on long-term sickness or maternity leave or to cope with increased seasonal demand. hr-legal.co.uk Alexander Demidov)
it was proposed to extend the term of the contractбыло предложено продлить срок контракта
long-term contractдлительный договор (Alexander Demidov)
long-term land lease contractдоговор долгосрочной аренды земельного участка (Alexander Demidov)
open-term contractбессрочный договор (The open-term contract is the standard form of an employment contract. However, in certain cases and provided that certain conditions are satisfied, employees may be employed on a fixed-term basis. Alexander Demidov)
open-term employment contractбессрочный трудовой договор (4uzhoj)
short term lease contractКДА (краткосрочный договор аренды Elina Semykina)
term of a contractсрок исполнения договора