
Terms for subject Idiomatic containing talk -talk | all forms
a bird is known by its note, and a man by its talkптицу узнают по пению, а человека по речам (Nadiya_K)
a fine one to talkкто бы говорил (You're/He's a fine one to talk! – А ты/он мастак разговоры разговаривать! Баян)
a fine one to talkчья бы корова мычала (а твоя бы уже молчала Баян)
be all talk and no actionтолько языком трепать уметь (No wonder people no longer believe a word he says. He's all talk and no action. No matter what he promises, nobody will be able to trust him. collinsdictionary.com Shabe)
be talk of the townбыть предметом обсуждений (z484z)
big talkгромкие речи (SergeiAstrashevsky)
circle talkснова и снова повторяемый вопрос (Natalia D)
circle talkразговор, идущий по кругу (Natalia D)
double talkлживое политическое заявление (Lying in a formal political statement. Interex)
have a heart-to-heart talkвести задушевную беседу (Пузлмейкер)
heart talkзадушевная беседа (Talk about matters of the heart; (in later use also) a heart-to-heart talk. lexico.com)
it is easier to talk the talk than to walk the walkязыком болтать-не мешки таскать (Вариант перевода в некоторых контекстах Alexander Oshis)
it was the talk of the townоб этом говорили все в городе (It was the talk of the town in February of 2022.  ART Vancouver)
no room to talkничуть не лучше, чья бы корова мычала (you are in no better position to comment on the subject answers.com CR)
nobody forced you to talkникто тебя за язык не тянул (VLZ_58)
people will talkна чужой роток не накинешь платок (Newspapers wrote about her and her diamonds. She commented with a sigh: "People will talk." Taras)
spout/talk a lot of nonsenseнаговорить три короба (VLZ_58)
sweet-talk someone into doing somethingзаговаривать зубы (VLZ_58)
talk a big gameкидать понты (VLZ_58)
talk a big gameблефовать (VLZ_58)
talk a big gameнадувать щёки (VLZ_58)
talk a big gameсотрясать воздух (to say things that make people believe that one can do something or that something is true about oneself even though it is not true. They talk a good game, but they're not really ready for the championship. VLZ_58)
talk a big gameбахвалиться (VLZ_58)
talk a big gameпонтоваться (VLZ_58)
talk a blue streakбыстро и много говорить (We bought a parrot, which never talked. But one day, the bird started talking a blue streak Taras)
talk a blue streakговорить как заведённый (the use of the phrase blue streak to mean rapidly first occurred in American English in the 1830s, and is a reference to the speed of a bolt of lightning. To curse a a blue streak means to curse rapidly in a constant, unending stream of curse words: I talk a blue streak when I get nervous Taras)
talk a good gameумело притворяться кем-то (sinistra)
talk a good gameубедительно врать (He can talk a good game about his credentials, but he can't actually do anything. sinistra)
talk a good gameзаговаривать зубы (sinistra)
talk all you wantможно сколько угодно говорить (Talk all you want about Napoli and the start they have had to the game but Torino's defending has been embarrassing so far; You can talk all you want about having a clear purpose and strategy for your organizaton and your life, but ultmately it means nothing if you aren't investing your resources in a way that is consistent with that strategy Баян)
talk at cross purposesразговаривать, не понимая друг друга ("Excuse me, Dr. Armstrong, I think we are a little at cross-purposes," said my friend, with dignity. • A flush of vexation passed over her expressive face. "We have been talking at cross purposes," said she. (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle) • "There's always another woman," she said quietly. "At some time or other. It's not necessarily fatal. We're talking at cross purposes, aren't we? We are not even talking about the same thing, perhaps." (Raymond Chandler) ART Vancouver)
talk at cross purposesговорить о разных вещах ("Excuse me, Dr. Armstrong, I think we are a little at cross-purposes," said my friend, with dignity. • A flush of vexation passed over her expressive face. "We have been talking at cross purposes," said she. (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle) • "There's always another woman," she said quietly. "At some time or other. It's not necessarily fatal. We're talking at cross purposes, aren't we? We are not even talking about the same thing, perhaps." (Raymond Chandler) ART Vancouver)
talk at cross purposesне понимать друг друга (irishe4ka)
talk at cross-purposesговорить о разных вещах (Yeldar Azanbayev)
talk at largeнести околёсицу (Andrey Truhachev)
talk at largeговорить наобум (Andrey Truhachev)
talk at largeгородить околёсицу (Andrey Truhachev)
talk at randomбросать слова на ветер
talk something awayизливать душу (Andrey Truhachev)
talk something awayоблегчить свою душу (Andrey Truhachev)
talk circles aroundвзять вверх (VLZ_58)
talk circles aroundперехитрить (VLZ_58)
talk circles aroundобставить (VLZ_58)
talk circles aroundпереболтать (VLZ_58)
talk circles aroundпревзойти (VLZ_58)
talk down the hairговорить начистоту (Заховинов)
talk ear offзаговорить (утомить кого-либо разговорами. Он меня чуть насмерть не заговорил. VLZ_58)
talk one's ear offзабалтывать насмерть (plushkina)
talk one's ear offболтать без умолку (Taras)
talk one's ear offговорить без остановки (Taras)
talk one's ear offпрожужжать все уши (Taras)
talk one's ear offутомлять болтовнёй (Taras)
talk one's ear offзабалтывать ("до смерти" Taras)
talk one's ear offзаболтать "до смерти" (Taras)
talk someone's ear offнаговорить с три короба (VLZ_58)
talk one's ear offутомлять разговорами (Taras)
talk one's ear offзаболтать ("до смерти" Taras)
talk one's ear offутомить болтовнёй (Taras)
talk one's ear offпрожужжать уши (Taras)
talk one's ear offвисеть на ушах (у кого-либо plushkina)
talk from two sides of one's mouthговорить в одном месте одно, а в другом месте – другое (также: talk out of both sides of one's mouth, speak out of both sides of one's mouth Beforeyouaccuseme)
talk from two sides of ones's mouthговорить одному одно, а другому – другое (также: talk out of both sides of one's mouth, speak talk out of both sides of one's mouth Beforeyouaccuseme)
talk is cheapслова дорого не стоят (Washington Post Alex_Odeychuk)
talk nineteen to the dozenговорить очень быстро или возбуждённо (He was talking nineteen to the dozen; it was almost impossible to follow what he was saying.)
talk nonsenseболтать вздор (Andrey Truhachev)
talk nonstopнаговорить три короба (VLZ_58)
talk of the devil and he is sure to appearЧерта помянёшь-он и появится (Nerve33)
talk of the devil and he'll appearлёгок на помине
talk of the townпритча во языцех (idiomatic) A topic or person discussed by many people. bk49)
talk on the big white phoneблевать (после чрезмерного употребления алкоголя Taras)
talk on the big white phoneобниматься с унитазом (после чрезмерного употребления алкоголя: After drinking at the party, he had to spend the whole night talking on the big white phone Taras)
talk out of both sides of one's mouthлицемерить (Andrey Truhachev)
talk out of both sides of one's mouthпротиворечить самому себе (Beforeyouaccuseme)
talk out of both sides of one's mouthсовмещать несовместимое (A.Rezvov)
talk out of both sides of one's mouthговорить вещи, прямо противоположные друг другу (Beforeyouaccuseme)
talk out of both sides of one's mouthи нашим, и вашим (Beforeyouaccuseme)
talk out of the side of one's neckвешать лапшу на уши (VLZ_58)
talk over headговорить заумно (Баян)
talk over headговорить заумными фразами (talk over one's head – говорить с... заумными фразами Баян)
talk the paint off of a wallзаболтать (Am.E. Taras)
talk the paint off of a wallуболтать (Am.E. Taras)
talk the paint off of a wallзабалтывать (Am.E. Taras)
talk the paint off of a wallубалтывать (Am.E.; the emphasis in the "talk the paint off of X" idiom is specifically the amount of time someone can spend talking (i.e. until the paint starts peeling off of the car, walls, barn, etc.) and it automatically implies tedium on the part of whoever has to listen to the person: My mom used to say that I could just talk paint off a wall Taras)
talk past each otherговорить на разных языках (Manookian)
talk rotнести чепуху (Yeldar Azanbayev)
talk rotнести ерунду (Yeldar Azanbayev)
talk rotнести вздор (Yeldar Azanbayev)
talk rotмолоть чушь (Yeldar Azanbayev)
talk rubbishнести ерунду (Yeldar Azanbayev)
talk rubbishнести вздор (Yeldar Azanbayev)
talk rubbishнести чепуху (Yeldar Azanbayev)
talk rubbishмолоть чушь (Yeldar Azanbayev)
talk s.o.'s ear offнаговорить три короба (VLZ_58)
talk the hind legs off a donkeyговорить долго и без остановки (My grandma could talk the hind legs off a donkey. Wakeful dormouse)
Talk the horns off a billy goatзаговорить кого угодно (Precisian)
talk the leg off a chairзаговорить кого угодно (She loves to talk. She would talk the leg off a chair. -- кого угодно заговорит ART Vancouver)
talk the talkразговоры разговаривать (Yeldar Azanbayev)
talk the talk and walk the walkслова словами, а дела делами (example provided by ART Vancouver: The term "talk the talk, walk the walk" is a phrase in English that means a person should support what they say, not just with words, but also through action.)
talk thirteen to the dozenговорить очень быстро или возбуждённо (He was talking thirteen to the dozen; it was almost impossible to follow what he was saying.)
talk through a hatпороть чепуху (Artemie)
talk through a hatнести вздор (Artemie)
talk through a hatговорить глупости (Artemie)
talk through one's hatбахвалиться (Азери)
talk to God on the big white telephoneлежать в обнимку с унитазом (Liv Bliss)
Talk to the hand, because the ears ain't listeningЗамолкни! (Wakeful dormouse)
Talk to the hand, because the ears ain't listeningЗаткнись! (Wakeful dormouse)
Talk to the hand, because the face ain't listeningЗамолкни! (Wakeful dormouse)
Talk to the hand, because the face ain't listeningЗаткнись! (Wakeful dormouse)
talk turkeyговорить без околичностей (Andrey Truhachev)
talk turkeyговорить напрямую (Andrey Truhachev)
talk turkeyговорить откровенно (Andrey Truhachev)
talk turkeyговорить открыто (Andrey Truhachev)
talk twenty to the dozenговорить очень быстро или возбуждённо (He was talking twenty to the dozen; it was almost impossible to follow what he was saying.)
talk twenty to the dozenтараторить (As if saying twenty words to another's dozen: He can talk French twenty to the dozen.)
talk someone under the tableутомить болтовнёй, наскучить разговором (To bore someone) with excessive talk wiktionary.org yulia_mikh)
talk with a forked tongueлицемерить (Andrey Truhachev)
talk with a forked tongueговорить лживым языком (Andrey Truhachev)
talk with a forked tongueговорить двусмысленно (Andrey Truhachev)
talk with a forked tongueбыть лицемерным (Andrey Truhachev)
talk with a forked tongueбыть двуличным (Andrey Truhachev)
talk without bookбыть не в курсе дела (Bobrovska)
talk without bookговорить без точных данных, по памяти (You're talking without the book. – Ты сам не знаешь, о чём говоришь. Bobrovska)
talking the talk is not as good as walking the walkязыком болтать-не мешки таскать (Вариант перевода в некоторых контекстах Alexander Oshis)
talking the talk is not as good as walking the walkтрындеть-не мешки ворочать (Вариант перевода в некоторых контекстах Alexander Oshis)
walk the walk and talk the talkназвался груздём – полезай в кузов (Beloshapkina)
walk the walk and talk the talkподкреплять слова действиями (also: talk the talk and walk the walk: To back up one's words with equivalent actions. The phrase is used in many different forms, most often to indicate that one is being boastful or to express doubt that one can carry out what they have claimed.: Anybody can run their mouth like that, but can you walk the walk and talk the talk? Olga Arapova)
with no small talk offered or soughtбез всяких предисловий (Abysslooker)
you are one to talkкто бы говорил (kuronekokawaii)