
Terms for subject General containing supply of goods | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
Concerning the Placing of Orders for Supplies of Goods, the Performance of Work and the Rendering of Services for State and Municipal Requirementsо размещении заказов на поставки товаров, выполнение работ, оказание услуг для государственных и муниципальных нужд (E&Y)
contract for the supply of goods and servicesдоговор поставки товаров и услуг (Johnny Bravo)
copious supply of goodsбольшой запас товаров
general terms for the supply of goodsобщие условия поставки товара (elena.kazan)
supply of goodsзапас товара
supply of goods to northern Russiaсеверный завоз (Alexander Demidov)
tax imposed on the supply of goods and servicesналог с поставки товаров и услуг (wikipedia.org 4uzhoj)