
Terms for subject Formal containing suggests | all forms
suggest some other timesпредложить другое время (I can be available to meet you on Wednesday, February 11th at 11 a.m. Will that time work for you? If not, can you suggest some other times you are available on Wednesday? ART Vancouver)
suggest thatуказать на то, что (Apparently the Dallas office has suggested that we’ve got a number of typos in the report. – указал на то, что в нашём отчёте ... • However, the lack of work could change at any second, and I would suggest that September is typically a very busy time for us. – я хочу указать на тот факт / на то, что ... ART Vancouver)
suggest thatуказывать на то, что (Archaeological evidence suggests that Coast Salish tribal groups occupied seasonal camps along the Fraser River to take advantage of the annual salmon run. – указывают на то, что ... / говорят о том, что ... ART Vancouver)
there is no evidence to suggest thatнет никаких доказательств того, что (According to Bayer, there is no evidence to suggest that this drug is associated with violent behaviour.)
this is not to necessarily suggest thatэто совсем не означает, что (While it is clear that humans and other animals possess consciousness, one theory goes one step further by suggesting that absolutely everything – from the planets in the solar system to the chair you are sitting on – are conscious as well. Known as panpsychism, this idea is not a new one, but a growing number of scientists seem to be subscribing to the notion that consciousness may be far more pervasive than we previously thought. This is not to necessarily suggest that a chair, for example, is just as conscious as a human, but that objects possess levels of consciousness relative to their state and complexity. At the most basic level, even fundamental particles may possess some level of consciousness. (unexplained-mysteries.com) ART Vancouver)