
Terms containing statutorily | all forms | exact matches only
gen.as is statutorily requiredкак того требует законодательство (Alexander Demidov)
gen.as statutorily requiredв соответствии с эталонами, зафиксированными в юридических нормах (Alexander Demidov)
gen.as statutorily requiredв соответствии с требованиями законодательства (Summary wharfage accounts, arranged by traders, with details as statutorily required. | Any incidents of a racial nature will be reported to the LEA as statutorily required. | Provide reports for the Governing Body as statutorily required. Alexander Demidov)
gen.as statutorily requiredпредусмотренный законодательством (Workers Compensation. As statutorily required by the Commonwealth of Virginia. Alexander Demidov)
gen.as statutorily required inв порядке, предусмотренном законодательством (в порядке, предусмотренном законодательством Российской Федерации = as statutorily required in the Russian Federation. ... Judge Jerome Eckridge; and that sentence will be automatically appealed to the state supreme court as statutorily required in South Dakota. Alexander Demidov)
gen.as statutorily required inв соответствии с требованиями законодательства (в соответствии с требованиями российского законодательства/законодательства России = as statutorily required in Russia. ... to participate in physical activities at school during Life Orientation, as statutorily required in South Africa, albeit with inequities in resourcing at every level. Alexander Demidov)
gen.as statutorily required in Russiaв соответствии с требованиями российского законодательства (Alexander Demidov)
gen.be statutorily cappedнормироваться (Because IHP benefits are statutorily capped, the program may not cover all losses to damaged property or restore such property to its condition before the ... Alexander Demidov)
gen.currently statutorily requiredсогласно действующему законодательству требуемый (Design and Access Statements are currently statutorily required for: Major Developments (i.e. buildings with a footprint of 1,000m-sq. or over; or new land-uses ... Alexander Demidov)
gen.currently statutorily requiredобязательный в соответствии с требованиями действующего законодательства (Design and Access Statements are currently statutorily required for: Major Developments (i.e. buildings with a footprint of 1,000m-sq. or over; or new land-uses ... | This bill deletes, consolidates, and modifies six reports which are currently statutorily required to be produced by the California Community College ... | California is currently statutorily required to provide the COLA by July 1 of each year. | commissions are currently statutorily required to engage in strategic planning. Alexander Demidov)
gen.currently statutorily requiredпредусмотренный действующим законодательством (SUMMARY This bill deletes, consolidates, and modifies six reports which are currently statutorily required to be produced by the California Community College ... | Background checks are currently statutorily required for all prospective adoptive parents. Alexander Demidov)
gen.documented as statutorily requiredподтверждённый документами, оформленными в соответствии с законодательством (held that the bank's fraudulent misrepresentations were agreements under the statute, and as they were not documented as statutorily required they could not. Alexander Demidov)
gen.statutorily compliantне противоречащий законодательству (Alexander Demidov)
gen.statutorily compliantсоответствующий требованиям законодательства (links with other Local Authority areas of service as appropriate will reduce the burden for school administrators and ensure that you are statutorily compliant. Alexander Demidov)
gen.statutorily prescribedзаконодательно установленный (It should also now be possible to require a commitment to sell in certain circumstances or a commitment to buy and it should be possible for participants to be explicitly subject to transfer limitations in addition to the statutorily prescribed right of first refusal. DBiRF Alexander Demidov)
gen.statutorily prohibitedзапрещённый законом (There are no locations statutorily prohibited by state law for open carry. FYI: In the United States, open carry is shorthand terminology for "openly carrying a firearm in public", as distinguished from concealed carry, where firearms cannot be seen by the casual observer. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Open_Carry Alexander Demidov)
gen.statutorily protected rightнаходящееся под судебной защитой право (Alexander Demidov)
gen.statutorily registeredзарегистрированный в установленном порядке (Alexander Demidov)
gen.statutorily requiredобязанный в соответствии с законодательством (As the Committee requested information that was over and above that which commissioners are statutorily required to disclose without ... | ... a plea bargain if the plea bargain is entered into within the time frame when the prosecutor would have been statutorily required to disclose the information. Alexander Demidov)
gen.statutorily requiredпредусмотренный законодательством (предусмотренный законодательством РФ = statutorily required in the RF. It was discontinued after the mid 1980s, as it was never statutorily required in the UK. | to inform parents and the community of children's progress in school (aspects of this are statutorily required in the UK) to support families in particular as ... Alexander Demidov)
gen.statutorily requiredнеобходимый в соответствии с законодательством (Alexander Demidov)
gen.statutorily requiredтребуемый по закону (Ремедиос_П)
gen.statutorily requiredобязательный в соответствии с требованиями законодательства (Alexander Demidov)
gen.statutorily requiredобязанность по которому установлена законодательством (документы бухгалтерского учета и (или) отчётности, обязанность по ведению (составлению) и хранению которых установлена законодательством = accounting records and/or reports statutorily required to be maintained (generated) and kept on file Alexander Demidov)
gen.statutorily requiredнеобходимый в силу законодательства (Alexander Demidov)
gen.statutorily requiredнеобходимый в соответствии с требованиями законодательства (Alexander Demidov)
gen.statutorily requiredтребуемый в соответствии с законодательством (Alexander Demidov)
gen.statutorily required detailsреквизиты, требуемые в соответствии с законодательством (Proper legal notice must be given to you and lien holders and the notice must contain a number of statutorily required details (see ORS 86.745). Alexander Demidov)
gen.statutorily required detailsтребуемые в соответствии с законодательством реквизиты (Alexander Demidov)
lawthe Parties incur a liability as statutorily required in the Russian FederationСтороны несут ответственность в порядке, предусмотренном законодательством России
gen.where statutorily providedв случаях предусмотренных законодательством (Alexander Demidov)
gen.where statutorily requiredв случае, если это требуется в соответствии с законодательством (Alexander Demidov)