
Terms for subject Religion containing spirit realm | all forms | in specified order only
spirit realmпотусторонний мир (Martini believes that those in the spirit realm are detached from our time frame and can see into the past or future. – души, находящиеся в потустороннем мире • When it comes to ghost sightings, such as at a haunted old castle, he pointed out that if you have six people at the location, only a subset of that group will typically sense phenomena, indicating that certain individuals may have a greater propensity for tuning into the spirit realm. • A professional spiritual medium, Carole J. Obley has communicated with souls who have crossed into the spirit realm via thousands of private and group sessions. coasttocoastam.com, coasttocoastam.com, coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver)
the spirit realmдуховное царство (Shabe)