
Terms containing shenanigan | all forms | exact matches only
Makarov.are you quite sure? no shenanigan?ты в самом деле уверен в этом? это не шутка?
disappr.be up to one's old shenanigansснова взяться за старое (They're up to their old shenanigans. ART Vancouver)
slangcall shenanigansобвинить в жульничестве (Hand Grenade)
disappr.engage in shenanigansустраивать безобразия (silly or high-spirited behaviour; mischief (Oxford Dictionary); high-spirited or mischievous activity (Merriam-Webster): I remember spending time on boats down at Mosquito Creek or Lynnwood back in the early 2000s. Carpenters from IATSE, firefighters, loggers even, all had sailboats down there. It was actually pretty low class judging from some of the nightly shenanigans. (Reddit) -- если судить по тому, что они устраивали / вытворяли по ночам • students engaging in youthful shenanigans on the last day of school | take a break from their cruise ship school shenanigans (Merriam-Webster) ART Vancouver)
disappr.engage in shenanigansвытворять (silly or high-spirited behaviour; mischief (Oxford Dictionary); high-spirited or mischievous activity (Merriam-Webster): I remember spending time on boats down at Mosquito Creek or Lynnwood back in the early 2000s. Carpenters from IATSE, firefighters, loggers even, all had sailboats down there. It was actually pretty low class judging from some of the nightly shenanigans. (Reddit) -- если судить по тому, что они устраивали / вытворяли по ночам • students engaging in youthful shenanigans on the last day of school | take a break from their cruise ship school shenanigans (Merriam-Webster) ART Vancouver)
disappr.engage in shenanigansустраивать (silly or high-spirited behaviour; mischief (Oxford Dictionary); high-spirited or mischievous activity (Merriam-Webster): I remember spending time on boats down at Mosquito Creek or Lynnwood back in the early 2000s. Carpenters from IATSE, firefighters, loggers even, all had sailboats down there. It was actually pretty low class judging from some of the nightly shenanigans. (Reddit) -- если судить по тому, что они устраивали / вытворяли по ночам • students engaging in youthful shenanigans on the last day of school | take a break from their cruise ship school shenanigans (Merriam-Webster) ART Vancouver)
amer.financial shenanigansфинансовые махинации (Taras)
slangI call shenanigans!что за чушь! (Hand Grenade)
slangI call shenanigans!не гони! (Hand Grenade)
disappr.put up with sb.'s shenanigansтерпеть выходки (обычно с отрицанием: I'm not going to put up with his shenanigans anymore. -- больше не собираюсь терпеть его выходки ART Vancouver)
Makarov.readers of the newspapers do not recognize every shenanigan inflicted upon themчитатели газет и не догадываются, какой чушью их потчуют
jarg.some off-road shenanigansпо говнам (Dude67)
Makarov.there is too much shenanigan going on hereмы занимаемся какой-то ерундой
Makarov.these facts indicate there is some shenanigan going onэти факты говорят о том, что что-то здесь не так
gen.these facts indicate there is some shenanigan going onэти факты говорят о том, что здесь что-то не так.
Makarov.they will catch cold doing shenanigans outdoors in the middle of the nightчто они там буянят на улице среди ночи, они же простудятся