
Terms for subject Microsoft containing safety | all forms | exact matches only
Microsoft Safety and Security CenterЦентр безопасности Майкрософт (The Microsoft website of information on and resources for computer security, digital privacy, and online safety)
Microsoft Safety & Security CenterЦентр безопасности Майкрософт (The Microsoft website of information on and resources for computer security, digital privacy, and online safety)
safety marginрезервное время (A time buffer, specified in days, that is added to order due dates to protect against unplanned delays in the item lead time)
safety scannerсредство проверки безопасности
safety stockстраховой запас (The planned minimum inventory level)
safety stockрезервный запас (The planned minimum inventory level)
Windows Live OneCare safety scannerсредство проверки безопасности Windows Live OneCare (The free online on-demand tool that conducts three types of scans: the protection scan checks for and removes things like viruses and malware; the clean-up scan checks the hard disk for unnecessary files and helps users decide which ones they can safely remove, and also clears the computer's registry of orphaned data; the tune-up scan helps improve the computer's performance by defragmenting the hard disk)