
Terms containing right full | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
gen.enjoyment of full rightsполноправность
lawfull legal rightзаконное право собственности, соединённое с фактическим владением
lawfull power, right and authorityвсе права и полномочия (NaNa*)
lawfull rightправо собственности, соединённое с фактическим владением
comp.full rightнеограниченное право (Moscowtran)
lawfull right and authorityвсе права и полномочия (sankozh)
tech.full right articulationполный поворот рамы вправо
econ.full right of useполное право пользования
EBRDfull right of useправо хозяйственного ведения (raf)
avia.Full Right pedalПолная дача педали вправо (Zubritsky Alex)
nautic.full right rudder!"Право на борт!" (команда рулевому)
tech.full right turn positionположение полного правого поворота
gen.full rightsполноправие
gen.not possessing full rightsнеполноправый
fish.farm.right full!право на борт! (dimock)
nautic.right full rudder!"Право на борт!" (команда рулевому)
gen.right of full economic managementправо полного хозяйственного ведения (P.B. Maggs ABelonogov)
gen.right to full possession and enjoymentправо беспрепятственного владения и пользования (The petitioner and the respondent "shall each have the right to full possession and enjoyment of the whole property, so long as said premises are held in trust. | the object of possession proceedings is to restore to the landlord the right to full possession and enjoyment of his property. | they were rather the means by which the landlord sought to regain the right to full possession and enjoyment of its property. | The owner of the servient tenement continues to have the right to full possession and enjoyment subject ONLY to the limitation that he CANNOT interfere w/ the ... Alexander Demidov)
dipl.right1 to restitution and full compensation for the exploitation and depletion of, and damages to the natural and all other resourcesправо на возмещение и полную компенсацию за эксплуатацию и истощение природных и всех других ресурсов и за причинённый им ущерб
lawsole owner of the rights of whatever nature with full right, interest, and guaranteeполноправный собственник (in and to something 4uzhoj)