
Terms for subject Real estate containing renting | all forms | exact matches only
rent a room at the residenceснимать комнату в доме (According to Corey O'Keeffe, who was renting a room at the residence when the attack took place, he was alerted to something amiss when he heard his 67-year-old landlord crying out for help. coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver)
rent a spaceснять в аренду помещение (“The prohibition on discrimination does not apply where the renter would be sharing sleeping, bathroom, or cooking facilities with the person looking to rent the space,” the ministry added. (dailyhive.com) ART Vancouver)
rent an apartmentснять квартиру (Alex_Odeychuk)
rent fromснимать у кого-л. (жильё: Of all the homes I have lived in, the largest was 2,500 square feet. But my favourite of all the homes I have lived in was the smallest. It was 800 sq. ft. My wife and I rented it from a family friend. It started life as a net shed of a fish company that had long ago gone under. vancouversun.com ART Vancouver)
rent out a roomсдавать комнату (в доме или квартире: “There may be a situation where a parent with a young daughter wants to rent out a room in their home and she must share the bathroom and kitchen with the tenant. The parent may only want to rent or share this space with a female for reasons of privacy or safety,” the ministry explained. In this scenario, the landlord would be allowed to turn away male occupants without risking a human rights complaint. (dailyhive.com) ART Vancouver)
rent out a roomсдать комнату (в доме или квартире: “There may be a situation where a parent with a young daughter wants to rent out a room in their home and she must share the bathroom and kitchen with the tenant. The parent may only want to rent or share this space with a female for reasons of privacy or safety,” the ministry explained. In this scenario, the landlord would be allowed to turn away male occupants without risking a human rights complaint. (dailyhive.com) ART Vancouver)
rent out a unitсдавать квартиру (in a building: Has anyone had issues with renting their unit out? I have a furnished 2 bedroom, 1 bathroom in New West, utilities and the internet included, that I have rented out for 8 years with never a shortage of mid-term renters. Now it's crickets! (FB) ART Vancouver)
rent out an apartmentсдать квартиру в аренду (ART Vancouver)
rent out an apartmentсдавать квартиру в аренду (ART Vancouver)
rent part of the propertyарендовать часть дома (Alex_Odeychuk)
rented apartmentснимаемая квартира (Andrey Truhachev)
rented apartmentснимаемое жильё (Andrey Truhachev)
rented apartmentквартира, сдаваемая внаём (Andrey Truhachev)
rented apartmentсдаваемая внаём квартира (Andrey Truhachev)
rented apartmentарендуемая квартира (Andrey Truhachev)
rented apartmentсъёмная квартира (Andrey Truhachev)
rented flatснимаемая квартира (esp. Br. Andrey Truhachev)
rented flatсдаваемая внаём квартира (esp. Br. Andrey Truhachev)
rented flatквартира, сдаваемая внаём (esp. Br. Andrey Truhachev)
rented flatарендуемое жильё (Andrey Truhachev)
rented flatснимаемое жильё (Andrey Truhachev)
rented flatквартира для сдачи внаём (esp. Br. Andrey Truhachev)
rented flatсъёмная квартира (esp. Br. Andrey Truhachev)
rented premisesарендованная недвижимость
rented propertyарендованная собственность
renting of apartmentsсдача жилья в аренду (Andrey Truhachev)
renting of apartmentsсдача квартир в аренду (Andrey Truhachev)
renting of apartmentsсдача в аренду жилья (Andrey Truhachev)
renting of dwellingsсдача жилья в аренду
renting of dwellingsсдача квартир в аренду
renting of dwellingsсдача в аренду жилья
renting out real propertiesсдача недвижимости в аренду (Alex_Odeychuk)
short-term rentingсдача помещения в краткосрочную аренду (Some landowners are hesitant about short-term renting, or find it difficult to get tenants who are willing to sign a lease that has a demolition clause. Some are unfamiliar with the idea of renting out to pop-up operations, which several landlords in Vancouver have been experimenting with. bcbusiness.ca ART Vancouver)