
Terms for subject General containing recruitment | all forms | exact matches only
Business Services and Recruitment DepartmentОтдел кадрового делопроизводства и набора персонала (SEIC, как вариант ABelonogov)
Consultant Recruitment Activity MonitoringКонтроль за деятельностью по привлечению консультантов (ADB MAMOHT)
employment and recruitmentпоиск работы и сотрудников (Alexander Demidov)
fast-track recruitment procedureупрощённая процедура найма
he was overage for recruitment into the armyон не подлежал призыву в армию по возрасту
Head of RecruitmentРуководитель отдела по набору персонала (SEIC, как вариант ABelonogov)
internal recruitmentпродвижение по служебной лестнице (zarazagirl)
Junior recruitment OfficerМладший специалист по подбору персонала (Johnny Bravo)
military recruitment officeвоенкомат (Johnny Bravo)
organizational recruitmentоргнабор (ABelonogov)
over-recruitmentперерекрутирование (Yanamahan)
personnel recruitment companyрекрутинговая компания (feyana)
Project Personnel Recruitment SectionСекция найма персонала для проектов
Project Personnel Recruitment SectionСНПП (ООН)
recruitment accuracyточность найма (Moscowtran)
recruitment and appointment of personnelподбор и расстановка кадров (Franka_LV)
recruitment and dismissalнаём и увольнение (Aksakal)
Recruitment and Onboardingотдел подбора и адаптации персонала (triumfov)
recruitment assessmentоценка соответствия кандидата требованиям вакансии (sankozh)
recruitment campaignподписная кампания (на журнал и т.п.)
recruitment centerрекрут-центр (Taras)
recruitment centerцентр подбора персонала (особ. военного Taras)
recruitment centerвербовочный центр (тж. an army recruitment center, (army) recruiting center, army recruiting office Taras)
recruitment centerрекрутинговый центр (Taras)
recruitment centerцентр вербовки (Taras)
recruitment costзатраты на подбор персонала (Moscowtran)
recruitment databaseбаза данных резюме (Johnny Bravo)
Recruitment Departmentотдел кадров (Johnny Bravo)
recruitment for the armyкомплектование армии
recruitment freezesвременная остановка приёма на работу (Albukerke)
recruitment of international studentsпривлечение иностранных студентов (Ivan Pisarev)
recruitment of investorsпривлечение инвесторов (Alexander Demidov)
Recruitment Officerрекрутер (bookworm)
Recruitment Officerспециалист по подбору персонала (bookworm)
recruitment opportunitiesвакансии (sankozh)
recruitment request formзаявка на подбор персонала (GothamQueen)
recruitment softwareпрограммное обеспечение для рекрутмента (feyana)
recruitment speechвербовка (Wait, is this a recruitment speech? Taras)
Recruitment TeamГруппа набора персонала (SEIC, как вариант ABelonogov)
Recruitment Team Leaderначальник группы набора персонала (Johnny Bravo)
recruitment testтестирование при приёме на работу (Levairia)
rigorous recruitment and selection processжёсткий отбор (Jonathan Stromberg)
snowball recruitmentрекрут снежным комом (Snowball recruitment is a method of sampling where researchers recruit potential participants from among their acquaintances or through other participants. While snowball recruitment may be advantageous in some research designs, it is important to assess the following: Whether the potential for bias from the snowball method would impact on the research outcomes. Is there the potential for any real or perceived coercion to be applied in the recruitment process? The possibility for a breach of privacy for a nominated individual. Snowball recruitment – in either the passive or active form – is acceptable as long there is no real or perceived coercion to take part in the research by either the researchers or other participants, and as long as there is no breach of Commonwealth, State or Territory privacy legislation involved in accessing contact details for potential participants. Alexander Demidov)
staff recruitmentпривлечение сотрудников (Alexander Demidov)
staff recruitmentнабор сотрудников (editor_moscow editor_moscow)
website for job search and staff recruitmentсайт по поиску работы и подбору персонала (Компания по карьерному консультированию "People Promotion")