
Terms for subject General containing receding | all forms | exact matches only
he was now too far in guilt to recedeон слишком погряз в грехе, чтобы раскаяться
his capacities seem to have recededего способности слабеют
his influence seems to have recededего влияние, видимо, сходит на нет
in the context of receding East-West tensionsв период спада напряжённости между Востоком и Западом (Indeed, the collapse came precisely in the context of receding East-West tensions, when the Cold War had essentially ended and Soviet citizens were no longer mobilized by fear of foreign aggression–a fact perhaps not lost on the current Russian leadership. -– The American Interest (2016) Игор)
prices have recededцены упали
prices have recededцены понизились
recede a few pacesсделать несколько шагов назад
recede a few pacesотступить на несколько шагов
recede from a contractотступить от контракта
recede from a positionсдать позицию
recede from a positionпойти на попятный
recede from an agreementотступить от договора
recede from the worldпрятаться от внешнего мира (Ремедиос_П)
recede from viewисчезать (VLZ_58)
recede from viewскрыться из глаз
recede into insignificanceотходить на задний план (Ремедиос_П)
recede into insignificanceотойти на задний план (Ремедиос_П)
recede into the backgroundпотерять значение
recede into the backgroundтерять интерес
recede into the backgroundтерять значение
recede into the backgroundпотерять интерес
recede into the backgroundотступать на задний план
recede into the backgroundотойти на второй план (Politics recedes into the background, to be replaced in the foreground by the theme that is to characterize Amado's fiction from1958 on: the exotic, eroticized piquancy of Bahia's Afro-Brazilian culture, most often as epitomized in women, music, and food. VLZ_58)
recede into the backgroundотходить на второй план (Tamerlane)
recede into the backgroundотойти на задний план
recede into the distanceудаляться (Рина Грант)
recede into the historical distanceкануть в лету
recede into the historical distanceуйти в прошлое
recede into the historical distanceуходить в прошлое
recede into the pastуходить в прошлое (As this time recedes further into the past... Maria Klavdieva)
recede painоблегчить боль (Intense)
recede to memoryстать воспоминаниями (Eric came to Canada. His life here proceeded and he raised a family and the decades went by. His days and work at Cambridge receded to memory. – стали далёкими воспоминаниями ART Vancouver)
receding foreheadпокатый лоб
receding gumрецессия оседание десны (Eleniva)
receding hairзалысина
receding hairзализа
receding hairlineзалысина (from лысый (bald) – bald patches of the temple (висок) area of the head and above Andrew Goff)
receding hairlineлысина, начинающаяся со лба
receding waveотходящая волна (Night Fury)
the cliff recedes abruptly from ifs base upwardsутёс резко сужается к вершине
the ship recedes from the shoreкорабль удаляется от берега
the waters are recedingвода сбывает