
Terms for subject Biology containing randoms | all forms
continuous random variableнепрерывная случайная величина
non-random matingассортативное спаривание (Non-random mating is a mating system in which at least some individuals are more or less likely to mate with individuals of a particular genotype than with individuals of other genotypes. • Assortative mating is non-random mating based on phenotypes rather than between relatives. wikipedia.org МарияКрас)
non-random matingнеслучайное спаривание (Non-random mating is a mating system in which at least some individuals are more or less likely to mate with individuals of a particular genotype than with individuals of other genotypes. • Assortative mating is non-random mating based on phenotypes rather than between relatives. МарияКрас)
non-random matingассортативное скрещивание (Non-random mating is a mating system in which at least some individuals are more or less likely to mate with individuals of a particular genotype than with individuals of other genotypes. • Assortative mating is non-random mating based on phenotypes rather than between relatives. МарияКрас)
non-random matingнеслучайное скрещивание (Non-random mating is a mating system in which at least some individuals are more or less likely to mate with individuals of a particular genotype than with individuals of other genotypes. • Assortative mating is non-random mating based on phenotypes rather than between relatives. wikipedia.org МарияКрас)
non-random matingассортативность (Non-random mating is a mating system in which at least some individuals are more or less likely to mate with individuals of a particular genotype than with individuals of other genotypes. • Assortative mating is non-random mating based on phenotypes rather than between relatives. wikipedia.org МарияКрас)
normal random variableнормальная случайная величина
quasi-random samplingквазислучайный выбор
random assortmentслучайное расхождение хромосом в мейозе
random assortmentслучайное расхождение генов в мейозе
random coil conformationконформация случайного клубка (broad peaks of polymers with a random coil conformation with different degrees of acylation – by D.L. Taylor et al. Tamerlane)
random coil conformationнеупорядоченная конформация (jagr6880)
random fixationслучайное закрепление
random fluctuationслучайная флуктуация
random mating populationпопуляция, члены которой случайно скрещиваются между собой
random primer methodметод рассеянной затравки
random sampleпроизвольная проба
random sampling errorошибка произвольной выборки