
Terms for subject General containing racist | all forms | exact matches only
accuse of being racistобвинить в расизме (Even the stodgy Bank of Canada, which is hard to accuse of being racist, in January acknowledged that the country’s rapid population growth, 98 per cent of which comes from international migration, has led to higher costs for housing. (vancouversun.com) ART Vancouver)
acts of a racist natureпроявления расизма
acts of a racist natureпроявление расизма
anti-racistантирасистский (Anglophile)
avowed racistоткровенный расист (Anglophile)
he is an avowed racistон откровенный расист
his racist remarks turned a lot of people against himего расистские высказывания настроили против него много людей
racist ideologyрасистская идеология (New York Times Alex_Odeychuk)
racist rhetoricрасистская риторика (Dude67)