
Terms for subject Microsoft containing publish | all forms | exact matches only
at the time of publishво время публикации (microsoft.com Alex_Odeychuk)
at the time of publishво время опубликования (microsoft.com Alex_Odeychuk)
BDC publishingпубликация моделей подключения к бизнес-данным (The process of simultanously importing all Duet BDC models)
e-mail publishingпубликация по электронной почте (The process of publishing photos or blog entries by sending an e-mail message to a service)
metadata publishingпубликация метаданных (The act of writing or copying metadata files into the metadata database)
name publish stateсостояние публикации имени (Windows 8 ssn)
one-click publishпубликация одним щелчком (A feature in Visual Studio that lets you deploy a Web application from the development computer to a server by clicking a button on a toolbar, and to deploy changes by clicking the button again, without having to redeploy the full application. You can create multiple publishing profiles to define the settings for different publishing scenarios, such as deploying to a test server, to a production server, and so on)
publish a self-contained build of the applicationопубликовать автономную сборку приложения (Alex_Odeychuk)
Publish and subscribe to the file system or network share.Публикация и подписка на объект файловой системы или общий сетевой ресурс. (Windows Server 2008, Windows Vista SP1 Rori)
publish assignmentsопубликовать назначения (To notify resources of new and changed assignments to tasks)
publish multiple Web sitesпубликация нескольких веб-сайтов (An option in a ISA Server web publishing wizard used to publish more than one Web site with a single run)
publish multiple Web sitesпубликация нескольких веб-узлов
publish profileпрофиль публикации (A collection of deployment-related settings that is stored in a file (e.g. .pubxml,.publishsettings))
publish profile fileфайл профиля публикации (Alex_Odeychuk)
Publish Recordingсохранить запись (A UI element that allows a user to save a meeting to the conference center)
Publish this phone numberОпубликовать этот номер телефона
Publish this phone numberопубликовать этот номер телефона
publishing layout viewрежим публикации (A specialized view tailored for textbox-based freeform document creation)
publishing serverсервер публикации (A server running an instance of Analysis Services that stores the source cube for one or more linked cubes)
publishing tableтаблица публикации (The table at the Publisher in which data has been marked for replication and is part of a publication)