
Terms for subject Law containing public nuisance | all forms | in specified order only
misdemeanor amounting to a public nuisanceпреступление небольшой тяжести против общественного порядка (Alex_Odeychuk)
public nuisanceисточник неудобства для всех окружающих
public nuisanceнарушение общественного порядка (A public nuisance is when a person unreasonably interferes with a right that the general public shares in common. For example, a business that emits large amounts of foul smelling gas that spreads throughout the city would be creating a public nuisance. Most public nuisances must be brought by government officials on behalf of the public. Private citizens can bring a class action to enjoin the nuisance in some cases. For a private individual to bring an action on their own, they must have suffered a greater or different nuisance than the rest of the public. In the above example, if the gas intruded into houses beside the business, those homeowners might be able to bring private actions given the unique impact on their homes.: He was charged with committing a public nuisance. OCD Alexander Demidov)
public nuisanceпубличная зловредность (состав деликтного правонарушения по английскому праву: создание неудобства или беспокойства для неопределенного круга лиц ОксанаС.)
public nuisanceисточник опасности для всех окружающих
public nuisanceисточник опасности или неудобства для всех окружающих