
Terms for subject Microsoft containing policy | all forms | exact matches only
acceptable use policyполитика допустимого использования (A statement issued by an Internet service provider or an online information service that indicates what activities users may or may not engage in while logged into the service. For example, some providers prohibit users from engaging in commercial activity on the network)
access policyполитика доступа (A policy which defines the permissions and duration of access to an asset)
account policyполитика учётных записей (On local area networks and multiuser operating systems, a set of rules governing whether a new user is allowed access to the system and whether an existing user's rights are expanded to include additional system resources. An account policy also generally states the rules with which the user must comply while using the system in order to maintain access privileges)
accounting policyучётная политика (A policy that prescribes the general principles and procedures that an organization follows to prepare statements that report on its performance)
Advanced Group Policy Managementрасширенное управление групповыми политиками (An extension to the Group Policy Management Console (GPMC) that provides change control and enhanced management for Group Policy objects (GPOs))
advanced group policy managementрасширенное управление групповыми политиками (ssn)
anti-bullying supervision policyполитика контроля оскорбительных выражений (" E-mail policy settings that administrators use to prevent a bully from sending e-mail messages to specific people by adding the bully's e-mail address as an entry on the "victim's" supervision list. This functionality supports anti-harassment policies in schools and other organizations.")
Antimalware Policyполитика защиты от вредоносных программ (System Center Configuration Manager 2012 SP1 Rori)
Associated voice policiesсвязанные политики голосовой связи (Lync Server 2013 Rori)
audit policyполитика аудита (A policy that determines the security events to be reported to the network administrator)
Authorization Policies Wizardмастер политик авторизации (A wizard that is available through Remote Desktop Gateway Manager that enables you to quickly configure a Remote Desktop connection authorization policy (RD CAP), a Remote Desktop resource authorization policy (RD RAP), and a computer group that is associated with an RD RAP)
bad word supervision policyполитика контроля запрещённых слов (" E-mail policy settings that prevent sending and receiving e-mail that has specifically banned content. Administrators can use this policy to reject e-mail that contains profanity or other objectionable words, also known as "bad words".")
binding policyполитика привязки (A policy that establishes which version of an assembly is loaded by the common language runtime)
CAS policyполитика разграничения доступа кода (A set of rules that defines security permissions for a collection of assemblies by associating attributes of those assemblies, such as location and signature, with a set of code access security permissions)
certificate enrollment policyполитика регистрации сертификатов (A set of rules governing certificate enrollment)
Certificate Enrollment Policy Web Serviceвеб-служба политик регистрации сертификатов (A role service within the AD CS server role that enables users and computers to obtain certificate enrollment policy information even when the computer is not a member of a domain or if a domain-joined computer is temporarily outside the security boundary of the corporate network. Rori)
certificate issuance policyполитика выдачи сертификатов (A set of rules that defines all the security-relevant requirements (such as key management and authentication levels) that must be met when certificates are issued to users)
check-in policyполитика возврата (A policy that provides the ability to validate compliance with organizational rules for a team project)
client version policyполитика версий клиентов (A set of client version rules that defines the actions to be taken when users try to log on with specific clients and client versions)
closed campus supervision policyполитика контроля закрытого кампуса (E-mail policy settings that apply inbound and outbound e-mail restrictions so students can send e-mail to or receive e-mail from addresses inside the organization only. Administrators can set up organization-wide exceptions so e-mail can be sent to or from specific domains and public groups. Administrators can also configure per-user exceptions so students can send e-mail to and receive e-mail from specific addresses outside the organization)
code access security CAS policyполитика разграничения доступа кода (A set of rules that defines security permissions for a collection of assemblies by associating attributes of those assemblies, such as location and signature, with a set of code access security permissions)
commit policyполитика фиксации (SQL Server 2012 ssn)
conditional access policiesполитики условного доступа (stachel)
Configuration Manager client policyполитика клиентов диспетчера конфигурации
Configuration Manager client policyполитика клиентов Configuration Manager (Configuration details for the Configuration Manager Client that are provided after client installation)
confirmation of receipt policyполитика подтверждения поступления (A policy that prescribes the functional location where the physical acceptance of items takes place)
DAC placement policyполитика размещения приложения уровня данных (A PBM policy that comprises a set of conditions, which serve as prerequisites on the target instance of SQL Server where the DAC can be deployed)
data policyполитика данных (A policy that determines which XML elements in a document are valid for a particular action associated with an endpoint)
default policyполитика по умолчанию (Andy)
deploying security policyразвёртывание политики безопасности (.NET Framework platon)
Diagnostic Policy Serviceслужба политики диагностики (A service in Windows that improve reliability by detecting impending failures and taking action to handle them by either initiating automatic corrective action or logging the appropriate diagnostic information for later root cause analysis, and/or notifying the user of an impending failure)
domain policyполитика домена (Andy)
dynamic policy updateдинамическое обновление политик (The run-time retrieval of policies using the Rules Engine Update service)
effective policyдействующая политика (The set of enabled policies for a target)
encryption policyполитика шифрования (stachel)
endpoint action data policyполитика данных для действия конечной точки (A policy that determines which XML elements in a document are valid for a particular action associated with an endpoint)
endpoint action policyполитика действий конечной точки (A policy that determines which actions are valid for a particular endpoint)
expiration policyполитика истечения срока действия (microsoft.com Alex_Odeychuk)
failback policyполитика восстановления размещения (A set of parameters that an administrator can set for a failover cluster or server cluster that affect failback operations. Rori)
Granular Audit Policyнастройка политики аудита (A Windows feature that helps administrators tune their audit policies at a more detailed level by using numerous subcategories, and better control what events are recorded in the event log)
group naming policyполитика именования групп (A template applied to the distribution group names in your Microsoft Exchange organization. Specifically, you can specify that a prefix, a suffix, or both be applied to all distribution group names. You can also block certain words from being used in the names)
Group Policyгрупповая политика (A feature introduced with Windows 2000 that allows administrators to enforce computer-specific and user-specific settings to domain-based computers)
Group Policy Clientклиент групповой политики (A local service that queries Active Directory at policy application time (at boot/logon or scheduled intervals) for the policy objects which pertain to it and applies them)
Group Policy client-side extensionклиентское расширение групповой политики (A component responsible for implementing a specific portion of Group Policy on the client computer. For example, Registry client-side extension processes registry-specific information within Group Policy)
Group Policy containerконтейнер групповой политики (An object that is stored in Active Directory Domain Services and that is associated with a given Group Policy object)
group policy engineобработчик групповых политик (The framework that handles common functionalities across client-side extensions including scheduling of Group Policy application, obtaining GPOs from relevant configuration locations, and filtering and ordering of GPOs)
Group Policy Managementуправление групповой политикой (An administrative tool designed to manage Group Policy across an enterprise. This includes day-to-day tasks, such as creating, deleting, linking, and copying Group Policy objects (GPOs), as well as setting security on GPOs. The Group Policy Management snap-in also provides reporting of GPO policy settings, as well as extended lifecycle functions such as backup and restore of GPOs)
group policy managementуправление групповыми политиками (ssn)
Group Policy Management Consoleконсоль управления групповыми политиками (An administrative tool used to manage and edit domain-based Group Policy objects)
Group Policy Management Editorредактор "Управление групповыми политиками" (The editor window used to edit domain-based Group Policy in the Group Policy Management Console)
Group Policy Modelingмоделирование групповой политики (A tool in Group Policy Management console that simulates what Group Policy settings are applied, given a specific set of criteria, including location of user or computer object in the directory, security group membership, and status of Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) filters. You can use Group Policy Modeling to test new policy deployments before you deploy them. Also known as Resultant Set of Policy-Planning Mode)
Group Policy objectобъект групповой политики
Group Policy Object Editorредактор объектов групповой политики (The Microsoft Management Console snap-in used to edit Group Policy objects)
Group Policy object linkссылка на объект групповой политики (A method of applying settings in a Group Policy object (GPO) to an Active Directory container (site, domain, or organizational unit). Linking a GPO applies the settings of that GPO to the users and computers in a site, domain, or organizational unit and, by default, to the users and computers in all child containers)
Group Policy Resultsрезультаты групповой политики (A tool in Group Policy Management console that gathers information about which Group Policy settings have actually been applied to a specific computer, user, or both. You can use this tool to troubleshoot the application of Group Policy settings. Also known as Resultant Set of Policy – Logging Mode)
Group Policy Security Settingsпараметры безопасности групповой политики (The subtrees of the Group Policy Object Editor that allow a security administrator to manually configure security levels assigned to a Group Policy object (GPO) or local computer policy)
group policy software installationгрупповая политика установки программ (ssn)
Group Policy Software Installationгрупповая политика установки программ (An extension to the editor that accompanies the Group Policy Management Console (GPMC). The extension is used to deploy software packages by using a domain-based Group Policy object)
Group Policy templateшаблон групповой политики (Group Policy information stored on the SYSVOL share of all domain controllers within a domain)
health policyполитика работоспособности
health policy validationпроверка соответствия политике работоспособности (The process of verifying that a NAP client computer meets your defined health requirements)
hosted voice mail policyполитика маршрутизации размещённой голосовой почты (A policy that provides information to the Lync Server ExUM Routing application about where to route calls for users whose mailboxes are located on a hosted Exchange service)
Identity Policiesполитики удостоверений (Groove 2007 Rori)
inter-site policyмежсайтовая политика (ssn)
inventory registration policyполитика регистрации запасов (A policy that controls when stock that is stored in a supermarket is registered as inventory)
kernel-mode policyполитика режима ядра (Windows 7 ssn)
location policiesполитики расположения (microsoft.com bojana)
managed folder mailbox policyполитика управляемых папок в почтовых ящиках (ssn)
managed folder mailbox policyполитика почтовых ящиков управляемых папок
Management Policy Ruleправило политики управления (A rule in ILM that defines a condition and the subsequent action to take when that condition is met. Management policy rules are used to model the business processing rules for incoming requests to ILM)
matching policyполитика проверки соответствия (A policy that controls the purchase order, product receipt, and vendor invoice matching requirements in the accounts payable process. The policy can mandate no matching requirement or a combination of unit price matching, extended price matching, quantity matching, line matching, or total matching requirements)
Message Policyполитика обработки сообщений (A set of rules that are applied to e-mail messages. These rules govern how messages are processed and stored, based on a set of requirements. The requirements are typically based on regulatory requirements for an industry or geographic region)
Microsoft Online Management Policy Agentагент политики Microsoft Online Management (An agent that lets administrators configure settings and collect the software and hardware inventory on the managed computer)
Microsoft Policy Platformплатформа политик (A feature that applies configuration policies to the managed computer and reports compliance with the policies; Майкрософт)
Name Resolution Policy Tableтаблица политики разрешения имён (A table of namespaces and corresponding settings stored in the registry that determines the special processing or policy requirements behavior of Domain Name System (DNS) clients when issuing DNS queries and processing DNS responses)
Name Resolution Policy Tableтаблица политики разрешения имен (NRPT habrahabr.ru bojana)
NAP health policy serverсервер политики работоспособности защиты доступа к сети (NAP – Network Access Protection microsoft.com bojana)
NAP health policy serverсервер политики работоспособности NAP (A server running NPS that evaluates NAP client health status. The NAP health policy server uses health policies and network policies to evaluate compliance of NAP client computers)
network inter-site policyсетевая межсайтовая политика (Defines bandwidth limitations between sites that are directly linked within a call admission control (CAC) configuration)
network policyполитика сети (A set of conditions, settings, and constraints that determine who can connect to a network. Network policy is configured by a network administrator)
Network Policy Serverсервер политики сети (The Microsoft implementation of a Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service (RADIUS) server and proxy. In the NAP architecture, the NPS server includes the NAP administration server and the system health validator (SHV) components)
Password Policy optionпараметр "Политика паролей" (The option on the Organizations page that sets parameters for passwords. Rori)
Password Replication Policyполитика репликации паролей (A set of access control lists (ACLs) that determine what credentials can or cannot be replicated on a read-only domain controller (RODC). Each RODC has a unique Password Replication Policy (PRP) that is enforced by the writable domain controller that is its replication partner)
password replication policyполитика репликации паролей (Dmitry)
permission policyполитика разрешений (An approach to restricting permission for a given document, workbook, presentation, or message. The policy defines which Office features are available, which information can be accessed, and what level of editing is allowed)
policy automationавтоматизация политики (ssn)
policy automation is turned offавтоматизация политики отключена (SQL Server 2008 ssn)
policy bar codeштрихкод политики (An image that encodes a unique identifier for a Windows SharePoint Services object, where the value of the unique identifier can also be represented textually)
policy-based managementуправление на основе политик (A set of built-in functions that return server state information about values, objects, and settings in SQL Server. Policy Based Management allows a database administrator to declare the desired state of the system and checks the system for compliance with that state)
Policy Filter pageстраница "Фильтр политик" (The page where administrators build customized rules for e-mail addresses and domains in the customer's organization)
policy has the wrong typeневерный тип политики (ssn)
policy processing sequenceпоследовательность обработки политики (The order in which conflicts between policy rules are resolved. Policy rules defined at a lower level of the sequence always override conflicting policy rules at higher levels of the sequence)
Policy RemovalУдаление политики (microsoft.com bojana)
policy ruleправило политики (A rule in a policy that controls the actions that can or must be taken when the requirements of the condition are met)
policy stateсостояние политики (SQL Server 2008 R2 ssn)
Policy Tipподсказка политики (Like a MailTip, a Policy Tip notifies Outlook users that they might be violating a data loss prevention (DLP) policy)
policy to support access by users of federated domainsполитика для поддержки доступа пользователей федеративных доменов (microsoft.com bojana)
policy update flagфлаг изменения политики (A flag that is used to indicate that a workflow should be re-run as an effect of a change to the sets or Management Policy Rules referring to it. Rori)
privacy policyполитика конфиденциальности (An organization's requirements for complying with privacy regulations and directives)
profiling policyполитика профилирования (Windows 8 ssn)
property naming policyполитика именования свойств (microsoft.com Alex_Odeychuk)
protection policyполитика защиты (The collection of recurring job definitions and schedules associated with a protection group)
purchase agreement policyполитика по договорам покупки (A policy that authorizes parties to modify purchase agreement terms)
purchase order policyполитика по заказам на покупку (A policy that authorizes parties to modify purchase order terms and to control order processing)
recovery policyконсоль восстановления
recovery policyполитика восстановления (A type of public key Group Policy object used by Encrypting File System that provides for one or more user accounts to be designated as recovery agents)
Remote Desktop connection authorization policyполитика авторизации подключений к удалённым рабочим столам (A policy that allows the administrator to specify who can connect to an RD Gateway server. Administrators can also specify requirements that users must meet to connect to an RD Gateway server. Administrators can configure RD CAPs by using the Add Roles Wizard during installation of the RD Gateway role service, or by using RD Gateway Manager after installation)
remote desktop connection authorization policyполитика авторизации подключений к удалённым рабочим столам (ssn)
Remote Desktop resource authorization policyполитика авторизации ресурсов удалённых рабочих столов (A policy that allows an administrator to specify the network resources that users can connect to through an RD Gateway server. Administrators can configure RD RAPs by using the Add Roles Wizard during installation of the RD Gateway role service, or by using RD Gateway Manager after installation)
remote desktop resource authorization policyполитика авторизации ресурсов удалённых рабочих столов (ssn)
replication policyрепликация
replication policyполитика репликации (Rules that define how and when replication is performed)
Resets the policy to the default out-of-box policyВозвращает параметрам политики значения по умолчанию, заданные поставщиком. (Windows Vista)
restart policyполитика перезапуска (microsoft.com Alex_Odeychuk)
restart policy configured for the groupполитика перезапуска, настроенная для группы
Retention Policyполитика хранения (A feature that allows the application of tags to individual Outlook items to specify retention policy for that message, conversation or other item)
retention policyполитика хранения (A policy that specifies the length of time during which data, documents, and other records must be available for recovery)
role assignment policyполитика назначения ролей (A collection of one or more end-user management roles that enable users to manage the settings of their Outlook Live account and public groups)
rounding policyправило округления (A drop-down list on the price list item form from which a user can select how to round the price (up, down, or not at all))
sales agreement policyполитика по договорам продажи (A policy that authorizes parties to modify sales agreement terms)
sales order policyполитика по заказам на продажу (A policy that authorizes parties to modify sales order terms and to control order processing and payment processes)
security policyполитика безопасности (The active policy established by the administrator that programmatically generates granted permissions for all managed code based on the code's requested permissions. Code that requires more permissions than policy will grant is not allowed to run)
self-service policyполитика самообслуживания (A collection of configuration settings that determine the conditions under which a user or group can manage their own virtual machines through virtual machine self-service. The self-service policy assigns virtual machine permissions and templates. Self-service policies are configured for a host group. Rori)
sender policy frameworkинфраструктура политики отправителей (An extension of the SMTP protocol that prevents spammers from forging the From: fields in e-mail messages by verifying that the IP address in the SMTP Received: header is authorized to send e-mail for the sender's domain)
Sets a profiling policyЗадание политики профилирования (Windows 8 ssn)
software restriction policyполитика ограниченного использования программ (An allowed list that provides administrators with the ability to control how users run all types of applications: executables, scripts and installers, and which applications are allowed to run)
supervision policyполитика контроля (A set of e-mail policy settings that can help primary and secondary school administrators comply with some requirements of the Children's Internet Protection Act (CIPA). Using these policy settings, administrators can control who can send e-mail to and receive e-mail from the users in their organization, and filter and reject e-mail that contains objectionable words)
three-way matching policyполитика трёхсторонней проверки соответствия (A matching policy that requires one or more vendor invoice prices to match with one or more purchase order prices and that requires one or more vendor invoice quantities to match with one or more product receipt quantities)
tiering policy engineподсистема политики уровней (A service that tracks regions of storage and may move data between them based on an input/output policy or other administrator-specified rules)
trust policiesполитики доверия (microsoft.com bojana)
two-way matching policyполитика двухсторонней проверки соответствия (A matching policy that requires one or more vendor invoice prices to match with one or more purchase order prices)
Unsigned Applications Policyполитика в отношении неподписанных приложений (System Center Configuration Manager 2012 SP1 Rori)
user-based policiesполитики на уровне пользователей (Policies that are detailed enough to be applied to distribution groups, security groups, and individual users)
version policyполитика выбора версий (The rules that specify which version of dependent assemblies to bind to. Version polices are expressed using configuration files)
voice policiesполитики голосовой связи (Define the following for each user, site, or organization that is assigned the policy: A set of calling features that can be enabled or disabled to determine the Enterprise Voice functionality that is available to users. Also, a set of PSTN usage records that define what types of calls are authorized)
Wired Group Policy Clientклиент групповой политики для проводной среды (A Group Policy Client in a wired environment)
Wireless Group Policy Clientклиент групповой политики для беспроводной среды (A Group Policy Client in a wireless environment)
workflow policyполитика бизнес-процесса (A group of rules for a workflow)