
Terms for subject American usage, not spelling containing policy | all forms | exact matches only
blank-check policyполитика выписывания незаполненных пустых чеков (Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) called out President Biden for his "blank-check policy" on Ukraine after the president traveled to Kyiv for an unannounced visit shortly before the one-year mark of Putin's assault. DeSantis joined "Fox & Friends" Monday to discuss Biden's first visit to the war zone since the conflict started a year ago, and why the newly allocated half-billion dollars in Ukrainian aid is unacceptable without clearly defined goals. "They have effectively a blank-check policy with no clear, strategic objective identified, and these things can escalate, and I don't think it's in our interests to be getting into a proxy war with China, getting involved over things like the borderlands or over Crimea," DeSantis said. "So I think it would behoove them to identify what is the strategic objective that they're trying to achieve, but just saying it's an open-ended blank check, that is not acceptable," he continued foxnews.com Taras)
Defense Policy Board Advisory CommitteeКонсультативный комитет по оборонной политике (Alex Lilo)
Department for Economic and Social Information and Policy Analysisреферентура (Maggie)
Federal Land Policy and Management Lawзакон о политике в области управления федеральными землями (1976 г.)
Good Neighbour Policyдобрососедская политика
Interdepartmental Committee on Commercial PolicyМежведомственный комитет по торговой политике (Aly19)
make it a policyпридерживаться принципа (Taras)
make it a policyвзять за правило (Taras)
make it a policyпринять за правило (Taras)
make it a policyбрать за правило (I make it a policy not to engage in anything with hearts and thumbs-up underneath (a post, video etc. Taras)
Mining and Mineral Policy Lawзакон о политике в области добычи и производства минерального сырья (1970 г.)
National Environmental Policy Lawзакон о политике в области окружающей среды (1969 г.)
National Power Policy CommitteeНациональный совет по энергетической политике (одно из гос. учреждений, созданных в период проведения администрацией Ф. Д. Рузвельта `НОВОГО КУРСА`, т.н. "алфавитных ведомств" Aly19)
policy racketрод азартной игры (в числа)
tax-based income policyполитика доходов, основанная на налоговых поощрениях и штрафах
the Good Neighbour Policyдобрососедская политика