
Terms for subject Idiomatic containing pinching | all forms
a pound to a pinch of shitсто к одному (nastiab)
a pound to a pinch of shitготов поспорить (I'll bet you a pound to a pinch of shit that it's raining when we get back from holiday. nastiab)
a pound to a pinch of shitготов поклясться (nastiab)
a pound to a pinch of shitбьюсь об заклад (nastiab)
at a pinchтолько лишь (only just; perhaps; if you're lucky.. Interex)
at a pinchвозможно (Interex)
at a pinchесли вам повезёт (Interex)
feel the pinchощущать на себе нехватку средств (After months of missed rent payments from his tenants during the pandemic, Prince George landlord John Stiles is feeling the pinch. Stiles says he's had to dip into his line of credit to pay the mortgage, taxes and utilities of rental property he and his business partner own in Prince George and Mackenzie because the renters in two of those properties haven't paid their rent, one of whom hasn't paid since April. biv.com ART Vancouver)
in a pinchпри нужде (VLZ_58)
in a pinchпри крайней необходимости (VLZ_58)
in a pinchпри необходимости (VLZ_58)
not worth a pinch of coon's shitмаловажный (Tiana_b)
not worth a pinch of coon's shitневажный (only CANADIAN, not to be used in USA (coon in USA is a slang for a coloured man) Tiana_b)
pinch of saltсм. take with a pinch of salt
take something with a pinch of saltслегка сомневаться (alenk)
take what someone says with a pinch of saltне бери слишком близко к сердцу (Yeldar Azanbayev)
take something with a pinch of saltотноситься к чему-либо с недоверием (В.И.Макаров)
take something with a pinch of saltделить надвое (akhmed)
take something with a pinch of saltподойти скептически (к чему-либо Evgeny Shamlidi)
take something with a pinch of saltвоспринимать настороженно (Agasphere)
take something with a pinch of saltпринимать с известной долей сомнения
take something with a pinch of saltотнестись скептически (Evgeny Shamlidi)
take something with a pinch of saltотноситься к чему-либо скептически (A more critical spirit slowly developed, so that Cicero and his friends took more than the proverbial pinch of salt before swallowing everything written by these earlier authors. В.И.Макаров)
take something with a pinch of saltотноситься к чему-либо критически (В.И.Макаров)
take something with a pinch of saltне принимать за чистую монету (george serebryakov)
take without a pinch of saltпринимать на веру (lust)