
Terms for subject Microsoft containing phases | all forms
installation phaseэтап установки (The phase where one of the three Sequencing Wizards (the Installation Wizard) gathers information for monitoring an application's installation and launch)
package configuration phaseэтап настройки пакета (The phase where one of the Sequencing Wizards (the Package Configuration Wizard) gathers information necessary for creating the OSD file. Rori)
Phase Alternating Lineстандарт PAL
redo phaseстадия повтора (The phase during recovery that applies (rolls forward) logged changes to a database to bring the data forward in time)
request phaseэтап запроса (A particular phase of the ILM "2" request processing model. It represents one of three workflows: Authentication, Authorization or Action)
two-phase commitдвухфазная фиксация (A protocol that ensures that transactions that apply to more than one server are completed on all servers or none at all. Two-phase commit is coordinated by the transaction manager and supported by resource managers)
undo phaseстадия отката (The phase during database recovery that reverses (rolls back) changes made by any transactions that were uncommitted when the redo phase of recovery completed)
workflow phaseэтап рабочего процесса (Office System 2010 ssn)