
Terms for subject Law containing people with | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
people with disabilitiesинвалиды (However, in the UK, the term "disabled people" is generally preferred to "people with disabilities". wiki Alexander Demidov)
people with disabilitiesлица с инвалидностью (financial-engineer)
people with green cardsлица, имеющие вид на постоянное жительство в США (Alex_Odeychuk)
people with knowledge of the matterосведомлённые лица (CNN Alex_Odeychuk)
people with significant controlлица, имеющие значительные доли участия (Nika Franchi)
people with significant controlконтролирующие лица (gov.uk alfa)
work with peopleработать с людьми (Putin's skill as a KGB case officer was to "work with people". What that meant was to work on people. TG Alexander Demidov)