
Terms for subject Figurative containing parts | all forms
allotted partотведённая роль (However, the youngest member of the gang refused to play his allotted part. ART Vancouver)
be a central part ofнаходиться в центре (внимания, деятельности: Our children have been a central part of our relationship. ART Vancouver)
be a core partсоставлять сердцевину (деятельности ART Vancouver)
be part of the gameбыть заодно (Andrey Truhachev)
become a partсрастись (of)
become a partсрастаться (of)
become a part ofсрастись (pf of срастаться)
become a part ofсрастаться (impf of срастись)
best partкоронная роль
core partсердцевина (Philanthropy and ethical business practices have always been a core part of our company. – всегда составляли сердцевину ART Vancouver)
in the densest part of the forestв гуще леса
indivisible partнеотъемлемая часть (But when those who speak of their deep respect for creation, for the natural world of which they are an indivisible part, then the gap between that spiritual world and the brutal reality of Tswawwassen Mills is just too discordant. So we don’t speak of it. -- неотъемлемой часью которого [индейцы] являются viewpointvancouver.ca ART Vancouver)
jutting out partмыс
jutting-out partмыс
part companyотходить
part companyотойти (pf of отходить)
part companyотходить (impf of отойти)
part companyотойти
part-time workнеполная нагрузка
play a large partсыграть большую роль (Being from a small town played a large part in who I became and, ultimately, what I do in the tech sector. ART Vancouver)
play a leading partиграть первую скрипку (Anglophile)
tricky partзакавыка (трудность, помеха: That's the tricky part. Did you by any chance bring a saw? Abysslooker)