
Terms containing osmanli | all forms | exact matches only
hist.Osmanli EmpireОттоманская империя
gen.Osmanli Turkоттоман
Gruzovik, ethnol.Osmanli Turkосманка
Gruzovik, ethnol.Osmanli Turkоттоман
Gruzovik, ethnol.Osmanli Turkосман
Gruzovik, obs.Osmanli Turkосманец (= осман)
gen.Osmanli Turkосман
gen.the Osmanli Turksтурки-османы (The best known and most numerous of the living Turkish peoples, the Osmanlis, today form the principal element in the population of Asia Minor, while colonies of them, left behind by the recession of Turkish power from southeastern Europe, are to be found here and there in Yugoslavia, Albania, Greece, Bulgaria, and Rumania. galchonock)