
Terms for subject Botany containing olive | all forms | exact matches only
Cape false oliveэлеодендрон капский (Elaeodendron capense)
common oliveолива (Olea europaea)
common oliveмаслина европейская
East African oliveмаслина Хохштеттера (Olea oleaster; Olea hochstetteri)
false oliveэлеодендрон (Elaeodendron)
olive familyмасличные (= маслинные; Oleaceae)
olive familyмаслинные (Oleaceae)
olive familyмаслиновый
olive familyмаслиновые (= маслинные; Oleaceae)
olive familyмаслинный
olive groveоливковое насаждение
olive groveоливковая роща
olive treeмаслина (дерево; лат. Olea europaea)
olive treeолива
Russian oliveпшат (Elaeagnus angustifolia)
Russian oliveлох узколистный (Elaeagnus angustifolia, commonly called Russian olive, silver berry, oleaster, or wild olive, is a species of Elaeagnus, native to western and central Asia, Iran, from southern Russia and Kazakhstan to Turkey, parts of Pakistan and parts of India. wikipedia.org)
Russian oliveджида (Elaeagnus angustifolia)
spurge oliveоливник (Cneorum)
white Chinese oliveканариум белый (Canarium album)
wild oliveмаслина дикая (Olea oleaster; Olea hochstetteri)
wild olive treeмаслина дикая (Olea europea var. oleaster)