
Terms for subject Religion containing offers | all forms
offer a heathen sacrificeприносить языческую жертву
offer a sacrificeприносить жертву (The high priest entered the Holy Place alone to offer the sacrifice, but people gathered outside and listened to the sound Andrey Truhachev)
offer it upпретерпевать (страдания, жизненные трудности ради душ усопших, ради возрастания в праведности, искупления грехов. Смысл этого выражения можно передать поговоркой: "Бог терпел и нам велел". Андрей Шагин)
offer it upБог терпел и нам велел ("Offer it up," she would say. "Think of Our Lord suffering on the cross." Андрей Шагин)
offer prayers forмолиться
offer prayersвозносить молитвы
offer sacrifice to the idolпринести жертву идолу (Lena Nolte)
offer sacrificesприносить жертвы
offer up human sacrificesсовершать человеческие жертвоприношения (to: They plundered the country around but found little spoil; some of the poor natives they took prisoners, as the time for holding their yearly festival was at hand, to offer up human sacrifices to Thor and Woden. As they passed along they came upon the trace of a boar. They hunted it around Wildboarclough, but with what success is not known. wordpress.com ART Vancouver)
offer up sacrificesприносить в жертву
offer up sacrificesприносить жертвы