
Terms for subject Cliche / convention containing of | all forms | exact matches only
a fair amount of timeнемало времени (I'll be in Vancouver next week and am planning to spend a fair amount of time in Stanley Park, Gastown and Chinatown, and I've got some shopping to do. ART Vancouver)
a friend of a friendзнакомый знакомых (When I was younger there was a friend of a friend…he was from Australia here on a one year work visa, he had never left the downtown peninsula in the whole year! (Twitter) ART Vancouver)
a man by the name ofчеловек по имени (Moving back over to the United States, on September 4, 1965 a man by the name of A.F. Salsbury Renton was out hunting at the Green River Gorge, in Washington, when he was confronted by an alien spaceship, and he would say of his bizarre experience: "Then a voice came from out of the craft which sounded like it came from a loud speaker and said in a distinct, but loudly amplified tone, ‘Don’t be afraid little Earthman, we are not going to hurt you – put down that gun and we will come out and see you.’ " mysteriousuniverse.org ART Vancouver)
a man of the worldумудрённый житейским опытом человек (ART Vancouver)
a microcosm ofкак в капле воды отражается (VLZ_58)
a pretty state of things!ну и ну! (возмущённо ART Vancouver)
a proud history of commitment toдавняя приверженность к (sankozh)
a short span of timeкороткое время (Thinking that she may have fallen down the ridge, I looked down and there was nothing, no sign of her, and even if she had fallen the creek was not fast flowing enough for her to have been totally swept away in such a short span of time. Looking back towards the meadow also showed me that she was nowhere, even though if she had somehow changed course and returned she had only been out of sight for a split second and I should have seen her doing so. -- за такое короткое время mysteriousuniverse.org ART Vancouver)
a wide range of topicsширокий ряд тем (In the latter half, he discussed a wide range of topics such as UFOs, cryptids, hidden history, ghosts, and monsters that are sometimes labeled as paranormal or conspiracies, and the backstories that created them. -- обсуждался широкий ряд тем coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver)
ahead of the curveна лидирующих позициях (igisheva)
All bent out of shapeраздражённый (Interex)
All bent out of shapeогорчённый (Interex)
All bent out of shapeсердитый (Interex)
All bent out of shapeразгневанный (Interex)
All bent out of shapeрасстроенный (Upset or angry. Interex)
all of the things that we hold dearвсё, что нам дорого (“When America stands for principles, and all of the things that we hold dear, it requires sometimes for us to put ourselves out there in a way that maybe we will incur some cost,” Harris said. “In this situation, that may relate to energy costs.” theguardian.com 4uzhoj)
an exaggerated version ofкак в капле воды отражается (On top of that, despite the Canadiens going on a six-week stretch of utter futility, they are not exactly playing horrible hockey. A perfect example of that came Saturday when they visited the St. Louis Blues and outshot them 49-22 but lost 4-3 in overtime. It was simply an exaggerated version of what's been happening to the Canadiens since Dec. 2, when they had an 11-point lead atop the Atlantic Division standings with a 19-4-3 record. – окказиональное употребление VLZ_58)
an example of this isв качестве примера можно указать на ("Diseases are not genetic in any way, shape, or form. They're simple nutritional deficiencies," Wallach declared. An example of this, he continued, is osteoporosis, which he said is caused by a deficiency of calcium and vitamin D3 and other minerals like copper. (coasttocoastam.com) ART Vancouver)
an example of this isпримером этого является ("Diseases are not genetic in any way, shape, or form. They're simple nutritional deficiencies," Wallach declared. An example of this, he continued, is osteoporosis, which he said is caused by a deficiency of calcium and vitamin D3 and other minerals like copper. (coasttocoastam.com) ART Vancouver)
an ounce of common senseтолика здравого смысла (Anyone with an ounce of common sense could see this for what it was. I’m glad the judge saw this for what it was. (Twitter) ART Vancouver)
apply a bit of common senseпроявлять здравый смысл (while in contrast you apply a bit of common sense and come up with something reasonable – проявить немного здравого смысла ART Vancouver)
as a result of this researchв результате выполненной работы (Alex_Odeychuk)
as a result of this workв результате выполненной работы (Alex_Odeychuk)
at the top of the listна первом месте в списке (кандидатов на должность, возможных причин случившегося и т.п.: Defects in the shotcrete, such as insufficient thickness or poor consolidation in and around the tieback anchor plates, are an obvious first place to look for possible causes, he said. “That’s got to be at the top of the list of potential causes,” he said. “Shotcrete being that it’s like this onsite-injected concrete, the variability is very high. If the person doing the job isn’t going a great job, it can very quickly not be good quality.” vancouversun.com ART Vancouver)
the axis of evil"ось зла" (государства, потворствующие терроризму)
be always in quest ofнаходиться в постоянном поиске (zest for adventure that's always spurred mankind in quest of the unknown. VLZ_58)
be in support ofслужить для подкрепления (официального документа – заявления, ходатайства, петиции и т. п. Midnight_Lady)
be out of line with smth.противоречить чему-л. (igisheva)
be out of line with smth.не соответствовать чему-л. (igisheva)
be outside one's area of expertiseвыходить за пределы компетенции (кого-л.: The Fowler case came to light after American psychiatrist Dr. Morton Prince, who Felber described as “the father of abnormal psychology” was contacted by general physician Jackson Putnam, who wrote to Prince that if he were living in a different time he would attribute the case to demonic possession, while acknowledging that it was outside his area of expertise. The symptoms, which Prince and his team would eventually observe themselves, included changes in her looks, voice, and temperament. “The symptoms were incredible,” Felber noted. “Her face would remold into a different face. Her voice would change into this terrifying voice… in different languages.” (coasttocoastam.com) • Её необычная заявка вне прейскурантного характера выходит за пределы компетенции всех уровней администрации фирмы. (из рус. источников) ART Vancouver)
become less of an issueпотерять свою актуальность (There’s the “uncanny valley” effect, for starters, which was coined by pioneering Japanese robotics professor Masahiro Mori in the early ’70s, and refers to the feelings of unease some people have when confronted by human-like robots. Though the concept has been much debated over the years, Oh, the UNLV professor, suggests that uncanny valley could become less of an issue as this kind of tech becomes more ingrained in the every-day lives of successive generations. reviewjournal.com ART Vancouver)
become less of an issueпотерять свою остроту (There’s the “uncanny valley” effect, for starters, which was coined by pioneering Japanese robotics professor Masahiro Mori in the early ’70s, and refers to the feelings of unease some people have when confronted by human-like robots. Though the concept has been much debated over the years, Oh, the UNLV professor, suggests that uncanny valley could become less of an issue as this kind of tech becomes more ingrained in the every-day lives of successive generations. reviewjournal.com ART Vancouver)
benefit of the doubtбеспристрастное отношение (со стороны окружающих: We can't foresee getting flat tires on our cars, after all, so how can we be so quick to find fault with companies that fail to prevent major environmental disasters? Major corporations have made our lives so much better, he went on—maybe they deserve the benefit of the doubt in matters of public safety. -- заслуживают беспристрастного отношения к себе coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver)
beware of dogосторожно, злая собака (без артикля Халеев)
beyond the bounds of possibilityза гранью возможного (Халеев)
by way ofблагодаря (An airline passenger flying out of New York City captured remarkably clear footage of a saucer-shaped object zipping past the plane at an incredible speed. The tantalizing video was reportedly recorded this past Monday on a flight from NYC to Florida and subsequently popped up on Reddit by way of a friend of the person who filmed the peculiar anomaly. -- появилось на Реддит благодаря знакомому (coasttocoastam.com) • The remarkable account came to light this week by way of wildlife biologist Forrest Galante, who showcased the pictures in a YouTube video (seen above) wherein he expressed skepticism about the images, yet conceded that they are incredibly compelling. (coasttocoastam.com) ART Vancouver)
by way ofпри помощи (Armed with a camera sporting a 400 mm zoom lens, Beckwith was able to film the curious orange illumination that oscillated in the sky for a staggering 40 minutes. Observing that the anomaly was clearly "moving back and forth in a very steady rhythm," the researcher noted "that movement is definitely not camera shake" as his equipment was secured and steady by way of a tripod. (coasttocoastam.com) ART Vancouver)
comes in hundreds of varietiesсуществуют несколько видов, сортов (Cheese is a dairy product that comes in hundreds of varieties, textures and flavors. ART Vancouver)
commands a large part ofпредставленный в большой степени (кем-л.: The media and entertainment industry commands a large part of our roster of clients. – в большой степени представлены среди наших клиентов ART Vancouver)
country of thousands of lakesСтрана тысячи озёр (Финляндия reverso.net mikhailbushin)
cut down on the number ofснизить число (кого-либо: More realistic solutions involve improving transit to make it more desirable, and building affordable housing to cut down on the number of people who need to commute across the bridge. nsnews.com ART Vancouver)
cut down on the number ofсократить число (кого-либо: More realistic solutions involve improving transit to make it more desirable, and building affordable housing to cut down on the number of people who need to commute across the bridge. nsnews.com ART Vancouver)
decrease in the number ofснижение числа (Reduction of an organic compound results in a decrease in the number of carbon-heteroatom bonds, and/or an increase in the number of carbon-hydrogen bonds. (chem.libretexts.org) • «В то же время, при снижении числа ДТП, на 7% выросло число наездов на пешеходов, причем 47,9% наездов произошли на пешеходных переходах», — сообщил Сергей Сигунов. (из рус. источников) ART Vancouver)
don't go making a tragedy out of itне надо из этого делать трагедию (Leonid Dzhepko)
draw on one's years of experienceопираться на многолетний опыт (drawing on our years of experience in art book design ART Vancouver)
earn plenty of moneyзаработать хорошие деньги на (+ gerund: Gimlin has no financial interest in the film, and could easily have earned plenty of money selling his confession to the media if the Bluff Creek events were a hoax by him and Patterson. (Janet & Colin Bord, "Unexplained Mysteries of The 20th Century") ART Vancouver)
earn plenty of moneyнажиться (+ gerund – на чём-л.: Gimlin has no financial interest in the film, and could easily have earned plenty of money selling his confession to the media if the Bluff Creek events were a hoax by him and Patterson. (Janet & Colin Bord, "Unexplained Mysteries of The 20th Century") ART Vancouver)
earn plenty of moneyзаработать большие деньги на (+ gerund: Gimlin has no financial interest in the film, and could easily have earned plenty of money selling his confession to the media if the Bluff Creek events were a hoax by him and Patterson. (Janet & Colin Bord, "Unexplained Mysteries of The 20th Century") ART Vancouver)
earn plenty of moneyзаработать много денег на (+ gerund: Gimlin has no financial interest in the film, and could easily have earned plenty of money selling his confession to the media if the Bluff Creek events were a hoax by him and Patterson. (Janet & Colin Bord, "Unexplained Mysteries of The 20th Century") ART Vancouver)
experience the thrill of adventureощутить дух приключения (sankozh)
fall out of line with smth.противоречить чему-л. (igisheva)
fall out of line with smth.не соответствовать чему-л. (igisheva)
for a brief span of timeв течение короткого времени (What was this thing? The creature was only ever seen in the area of Matsudo and only for a brief span of time, leaving the impression that whatever it was it was probably only a passing visitor. (mysteriousuniverse.org) ART Vancouver)
for lack of a better termза неимением лучшего слова (Gordon explained that, for lack of a better term, he would classify at least some of the cryptids reported to him as interdimensional. (coasttocoastam.com) • Я всё ещё любила его или, во всяком случае, хранила чувство к нему, которое за неимением лучшего слова называла любовью. (из рус. источников) ART Vancouver)
for lack of a better wordза неимением лучшего слова (This goofiness, for lack of a better word, can have serious ramifications for your daughter. ART Vancouver)
from a ... point of viewс точки зрения (from a citizen's and taxpayer's point of view – с точки зрения гражданина и налогоплательщика ART Vancouver)
from out of townприезжий (I’m visiting from out of town and wondering if there are any old historical things like this I can explore. ART Vancouver)
from the bottom of my heartот всей души (Thank you from the bottom of my heart. – От всей души благодарю вас. ART Vancouver)
get an eyeful ofнасмотреться (Chris and Emily told me they had spent two days in Vancouver and got an eyeful of crackheads, drug dealers and panhandlers hanging around their hotel, so they're not planning to come back any time soon. – достаточно насмотрелись на ART Vancouver)
get out of the rainвыйти сухим из воды (igisheva)
get rid ofповыбрасывать (There's so much junk I should have gotten rid of years ago. -- мне давно надо было повыбрасывать ART Vancouver)
get rid ofвыбросить (There's so much junk I should have gotten rid of years ago. -- мне давно надо было выбросить ART Vancouver)
give the benefit of the doubtбеспристрастно относиться (невзирая на сомнения в невиновности: the state of accepting something/someone as honest or deserving of trust even though there are doubts. E.g.: He might be lying, but we have to give him the benefit of the doubt and accept what he says for now. (Merriam-Webster) ART Vancouver)
gourmet menu of the finest cuisineизысканные блюда, предназначенные только для истинных гурманов (sankozh)
has seen more than enough ofнасмотрелся (No thanks. I've seen more than enough of these guys. They make me sick. -- Нет уж, спасибо. Я на этих типов насмотрелся, мне от них уже тошнит. ART Vancouver)
have a better idea ofлучше представлять себе (положение дел: On Jan. 4, WLNG spokesperson Sean Beardow told The Squamish Chief that the ship will be spending the upcoming weeks at the Seaspan facility in North Vancouver undergoing its final few refits, loading equipment and undergoing inspections. After that is done, the company will have a better idea of when it will arrive in Squamish. (nsnews.com) • Повышая уровень своей экологической грамотности мы сможем лучше представлять себе последствия наших каждодневных поступков и выборов для окружающей среды.(из рус. источника) ART Vancouver)
have a better idea of whyлучше понять, почему (”That family is suffering because their loved one was murdered, but not only that, they had to wait years for any type of answers,” said Caitlin. “I hope through this trial we, the general public, will have a better idea of why things were slowed down, and what the Crown's case really looks like,” Graham added. ctvnews.ca ART Vancouver)
have a familiarity ofбыть знакомым с (Although we have no clue to the identity of the poet, he seems to have a familiarity of the landscape which is described in the poem and with the scenes depicted. -- знаком с местностью, описанной в поэме wordpress.com ART Vancouver)
have a sense of characterразбираться в людях (As an insurance fraud investigator, you must have a sense of character. -- хорошо разбираться в людях  ART Vancouver)
have plenty ofне занимать (He has plenty of experience. -- Опыта ему не занимать. ART Vancouver)
he gave us a sharp awareness of the situationон позволил нам глубоко осознать происходящее (Leonid Dzhepko)
hold a special place of beingзанимать особое место, поскольку (Although there had been many UFO sightings before then, and of course after, the 1960s holds a special place of being a time of some very bizarre encounters with these crafts and their occupants, and here we will look at a selection of some of the stranger of these. mysteriousuniverse.org ART Vancouver)
I am well aware ofя отдаю себе полный отчёт в
I did it of my own accordя это сделал по моему собственному желанию
I don't much like the sound of thatмне это не нравится (She's coming with her lawyer? I don't much like the sound of that. ART Vancouver)
I don't want any part of itя не хочу в этом участвовать (ART Vancouver)
if you take something on, you ought to do a thorough job of itесли ты за что-то берёшься, ты должен довести дело до конца (per Michele A. Berdy Leonid Dzhepko)
I'm in awe ofя в восхищении от (I'm in awe of her performance. It was brilliant. ART Vancouver)
in a short amount of timeза короткое время (In a curious big cat case out of England, a woman spotted what some believe to be a dead puma on the side of a road and, when she later went back to get a look at the creature, it had mysteriously vanished. The disappearance of the suspected big cat was particularly weird as it occurred in such a short amount of time, which led Roberts to speculate that "I think someone's seen my post and they've taken the animal." -- случилось за такое короткое время, что (coasttocoastam.com) • It has been effective in eliciting a range of lexical aspect categories in a short amount of time. (Cambridge English Corpus) ART Vancouver)
in loving memory ofсветлой памяти (кого-либо Leonid Dzhepko)
in reply to your inquiry of ..., we wish to inform you thatна Ваш запрос от... сообщаем
interweaving of culturesпереплетение культур (Experience this interweaving of cultures at the Dr. Sun Yat-sen Park and Classical Chinese Garden, the first garden of its kind created outside of China. (Expedia) ART Vancouver)
is a see also ofсм. также (portable is a see also of transportable MichaelBurov)
is a see also ofсмотри также (MichaelBurov)
is a see also ofсм. тж. (MichaelBurov)
is a see also ofсравни (cf. MichaelBurov)
is of the essenceимеет решающее значение (Time is often of the essence, Harris continued, because witnesses can die or important details can be missed. coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver)
is of the essenceимеет немаловажное значение (Time is often of the essence, Harris continued, because witnesses can die or important details can be missed. coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver)
is of the essenceиграет существенную роль (Time is often of the essence, Harris continued, because witnesses can die or important details can be missed. coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver)
it's a waste of timeэто напрасная потеря времени
just for the sake of argumentесли уж на то пошло ("Not sure what can be done to stop the Pacific Ocean." "If you can fill in a sandbar with material you dredged up from False Creek to pull it out of the ocean in the first place, you can do it again to make it a little taller so the ocean doesn't take it back." "Just for the sake of argument, they could build a lock at the mouth of False Creek since it's not that wide in the grand scheme of things." "It's impractical and stupid. The plan will be to build an extended, higher seawall that funds itself by reclaiming a strip of new waterfront land that can be sold to fund the construction." (Reddit) ART Vancouver)
just shy ofнемного не дотянуть (Today's temperatures just shy of record, with 27C along the coast and close to 35C inland. ART Vancouver)
just shy ofнемного не дожив до (The beloved actress passed away just shy of her 100th birthday. ART Vancouver)
Knock it out of the parkнамного лучше, чем ожидалось (In business, doing much better than expected. Interex)
Land of the maple leafСтрана кленового листа (Канада mikhailbushin)
the Land of the Rising SunСтрана восходящего солнца (Япония)
Land of Windmills and TulipsСтрана тюльпанов и ветряных мельниц (Нидерланды thekolsocial.com mikhailbushin)
let loose rivers of bloodпустить реки крови (VLZ_58)
lots of timeуйма времени (ART Vancouver)
lull someone into a false sense of securityубаюкивать (ART Vancouver)
make a lot of money fromхорошо нагреть руки на (A lot of lawyers made a lot of money from this copyright infringement case which dragged on for 22 years. ART Vancouver)
make a lot of money fromхорошо нажиться на (A lot of lawyers made a lot of money from this copyright infringement case which dragged on for 22 years. ART Vancouver)
May the joy and peace of Christmas be with you alwaysПусть радость и безмятежность Рождества всегда остаются с Вами (Leonid Dzhepko)
most of the timeв большинстве случаев (The baby can identify the mother as someone who can figure out, most of the time, well enough what the baby needs. ART Vancouver)
much to the horror ofк ужасу (Much to the horror of the children attending kindergarten through fourth grade at the school, they heard a message booming over the PA system in a creepy voice: "This is a humoctopus! I am speaking to you from the future. Run for your lives, wretched humans! I will smash you all!" As if the message was not traumatic enough, the school subsequently went into a lockdown and had the children hiding under their desks, no doubt, hoping that the humoctopus would spare them from its wrath. (coasttocoastam.com) ART Vancouver)
nine out of tenдевять из десяти (Nine out of ten Aussies don't want another 20 million people here. ART Vancouver)
no ... to speak ofговорить не приходится (о чём-л.; с отрицанием: Fortunately, there was no structural damage to the overpass or debris to speak of. (CityNews 1130) ART Vancouver)
not think anything of itне придать особого значения (I didn't think anything of it. – Я не придал этому особого / большого значения. ART Vancouver)
of a special sortособого рода (This district was known as the 'Garden of the North' long before tourist phraseology was invented. It attracted tourists of a special sort -- Highland raiders who helped themselves to the farm produce and fat cattle. Today the district is famous for prime Scotch beef. (AA Illustrated Guide To Britain) ART Vancouver)
of little utilityмалопригодный (Халеев)
of some kindнекий ("An intriguing piece of footage from Utah appears to show a creature of some kind ascending a snowy mountain and some suspect that the oddity could be a Bigfoot." – некое существо, взбирающееся на заснеженную гору (coasttocoastam.com) ART Vancouver)
of that I am positiveв этом я совершенно уверен ('It was definitely not an aircraft, of that I am positive. None of us had ever seen anything like it before.' (Anthony Colin, First Officer, British Airways jumbo jet, 22 Apr 1987) ART Vancouver)
of that there can be no doubtв этом не может быть сомнений (UFOs are real, of that there can be no doubt. It all depends, though, on what you mean by 'real'... (Janet & Colin Bord, "Unexplained Mysteries of The 20th Century") ART Vancouver)
on account ofучитывая (Alex_Odeychuk)
on account ofучитывая, что (Alex_Odeychuk)
on account ofс учётом того, что (Alex_Odeychuk)
on the flip side of the coinв то же время (напр., о минусах, после перечисления плюсов Халеев)
on the flip side of the coinс другой стороны (Халеев)
on the matter ofпо вопросу (On the matter of getting a neighbour to trim the gigantic hedge obscuring my view, I took in a lot of flak. Some people just prefer to be hidden from the rest of the world, I was told, and it’s their business. ART Vancouver)
on the topic ofпо вопросу (This week at a meeting of high-profile speakers on the topic of extraterrestrial life, astrobiologist Dirk Schulze-Makuch asserted that the compounds weren't necessarily stray Earth remnants. When the lander samples were discovered, he explained, water was added to them with the assumption that in a moistened environment, the microbes would become more energized and easier to examine. Instead, the hydration may have done the opposite, essentially drowning the samples. coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver)
one of whomодин из которых (A pooped-out pooch got some special attention from North Shore Rescue and helicopter ride home Tuesday (Aug. 16) afternoon after getting into trouble on the North Shore’s Mount Seymour. The rescue team got the call from North Vancouver RCMP after being contacted by two hikers, one of whom was the dog’s owner. -- одним из которых был хозяин пса • I saw two men one of whom I already knew. -- один из которых был мне уже знаком nsnews.com ART Vancouver)
out of the boxтолько из упаковки (Yeldar Azanbayev)
out of the parkсделать выдающуюся работу (Yeldar Azanbayev)
out of the questionдаже не обсуждается (Yeldar Azanbayev)
out of the runningвне обсуждения (Yeldar Azanbayev)
out of your mindпотерять над собой контроль (Yeldar Azanbayev)
out thousands of dollarsнанесён ущерб в несколько тысяч долларов (West Vancouver’s Royal Canadian Marine Search and Rescue volunteers are wondering who would deliberately vandalize their main search and rescue vessel. The team is now out thousands of dollars after someone spray painted one of the inflatable tubes that keeps their Horseshoe Bay-based Zodiac afloat. nsnews.com ART Vancouver)
parts of the worldстраны мира (Alex_Odeychuk)
please accept this expression of our highest regardsПримите наши заверения в совершеннейшем к Вам почтении
plenty of timeуйма времени (ART Vancouver)
quite a lot ofдовольно много (This design still leaves quite a lot of free space at the top. ART Vancouver)
rattle of hoofsтопот копыт (("I was shaving at my window in the morning when heard the rattle of hoofs and, looking up, saw a dog-cart coming at a gallop down the road. It pulled up at our door, and our friend, the vicar, sprang from it and rushed up our garden path." (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)  ART Vancouver)
rattle of hoofsцокот лошадиных копыт (("I was shaving at my window in the morning when heard the rattle of hoofs and, looking up, saw a dog-cart coming at a gallop down the road. It pulled up at our door, and our friend, the vicar, sprang from it and rushed up our garden path." (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)  ART Vancouver)
riding the wave of reminiscenceпо волнам моей памяти (Халеев)
something of aв некотором роде (Affectionately known as the Asparamancer, Jemima Packington's process involves tossing a bundle of the vegetables into the air and then divining forthcoming events by observing how they land. Her unique technique has made her something of a celebrity in England and she has been credited with predicting both the election of Donald Trump in 2016 as well as the passing of Queen Elizabeth in 2022. (coasttocoastam.com) • Thomas 'Hoggy' Hogg, owner of the Blue Note Jazz Club, is something of a music legend in Bay City. – считается в некотором роде легендарной личностью ART Vancouver)
something of aнечто вроде (Affectionately known as the Asparamancer, Jemima Packington's process involves tossing a bundle of the vegetables into the air and then divining forthcoming events by observing how they land. Her unique technique has made her something of a celebrity in England and she has been credited with predicting both the election of Donald Trump in 2016 as well as the passing of Queen Elizabeth in 2022. (coasttocoastam.com) ART Vancouver)
something out of the ordinaryнечто необычное (And rumors of Hodag pranks, sightings and other close encounters circulate to this day. When something out of the ordinary occurs in Hodag Country, you’ll hear people say, “I think it was a Hodag.” -- когда происходит нечто необычное rhinelanderchamber.com ART Vancouver)
speaking from the perspective ofс точки зрения (Speaking from the perspective of a full-figured woman who's been wearing a bra all her life, I can attest to the associated back pain. ART Vancouver)
subject of controversyтема, вызывающая ожесточённые споры (The City of Vancouver’s approved strategy to add massive density along Broadway’s future east-west subway line has long been the subject of controversy. About one-quarter of the city’s rental stock is located in the 500-block area slated for mass residential and office redevelopment potentially leading to many thousands of evicted tenants. ART Vancouver)
subject of controversyтема, вызывающая жаркие споры (The City of Vancouver’s approved strategy to add massive density along Broadway’s future east-west subway line has long been the subject of controversy. About one-quarter of the city’s rental stock is located in the 500-block area slated for mass residential and office redevelopment potentially leading to many thousands of evicted tenants. ART Vancouver)
subject of controversyтема, вызывающая противоречивые мнения (The City of Vancouver’s approved strategy to add massive density along Broadway’s future east-west subway line has long been the subject of controversy. About one-quarter of the city’s rental stock is located in the 500-block area slated for mass residential and office redevelopment potentially leading to many thousands of evicted tenants. ART Vancouver)
subject of controversyострая тема (The City of Vancouver’s approved strategy to add massive density along Broadway’s future east-west subway line has long been the subject of controversy. About one-quarter of the city’s rental stock is located in the 500-block area slated for mass residential and office redevelopment potentially leading to many thousands of evicted tenants. ART Vancouver)
take possession of the landзавладеть чьей-л. землёй (England, after being ruled by the Romans was evacuated by them about the year 450 A.D, after a dominion of 500 years. The country thus left without protection was invaded by herds of hungry foreigners from across the channel, called Saxons; they took possession of the land and became the ruling power. wordpress.com ART Vancouver)
take possession of the landзахватить чью-л. землю (England, after being ruled by the Romans was evacuated by them about the year 450 A.D, after a dominion of 500 years. The country thus left without protection was invaded by herds of hungry foreigners from across the channel, called Saxons; they took possession of the land and became the ruling power. wordpress.com ART Vancouver)
take up a lot of spaceзанимать много места (как о физических предметах, так и о памяти: I have hundreds and hundreds of apps, and that takes up a lot of space. ART Vancouver)
take-home message of somethingмораль (чего-либо; контекстный перевод igisheva)
take-home message of somethingмораль (чего-либо (контекстный перевод igisheva)
Thanks to both of you for the quick responseБлагодарю вас обоих за скорый ответ (Leonid Dzhepko)
that's part of itотчасти (ART Vancouver)
that's the least of my worriesэто меньше всего меня беспокоит
The Country of CarnivalСтрана карнавалов (Бразилия wikipedia.org mikhailbushin)
the importance of ... cannot be overstatedневозможно переоценить важность, значение (As the day begins to heat up, shutting the windows and drawing the blinds helps keep the indoor air cool for as long as possible. The importance of window coverings in this process cannot be overstated. Light-coloured blinds, shades, or curtains can block out the heat of the sun and reduce indoor temperatures significantly. This is especially important for windows facing east or west, which receive the most sunlight. (burnabynow.com) ART Vancouver)
the importance of ... cannot be overstatedнельзя переоценить важность, значение (As the day begins to heat up, shutting the windows and drawing the blinds helps keep the indoor air cool for as long as possible. The importance of window coverings in this process cannot be overstated. Light-coloured blinds, shades, or curtains can block out the heat of the sun and reduce indoor temperatures significantly. This is especially important for windows facing east or west, which receive the most sunlight. (burnabynow.com) ART Vancouver)
the prices are firm for the duration of the Contractцены остаются твёрдыми на весь срок действия контракта (ksuh)
the Russian attitude of "I couldn't care less" is incurableРусский пофигизм неизлечим (From: "Indifference as a National Idea" by Michael Bohm // The Moscow Times, August 15, 2008.)
the same might be said ofто же самое можно сказать о (Falcon criticized B.C. Premier David Eby, saying Eby has "suddenly woken up" to the housing crisis after a term as housing minister. The same might be said of Falcon, who was Liberal transportation minister for five years, between 2004 and 2009. We note that no new bridges to the North Shore were built during that time. (nsnews.com) ART Vancouver)
there has been a lot of controversyразвернулась полемика (по поводу ART Vancouver)
there is a a host of reasons whyесть масса причин, по которым (“There is a host of reasons why things aren’t happening on those sites,” said Kirk Kuester, an executive vice-president with Colliers International in Vancouver. “It could be a situation on the owner’s side: ‘I missed the market and now I want to sell for yesterday’s price.’” Or it could be an environmental problem (sites of former gas stations and drycleaning operations are particularly difficult and can take years to resolve). Or it could be that an owner or developer has gotten lost in the city’s permitting labyrinth. Or they’re afraid of putting in short-term tenants. Or who knows.” bcbusiness.ca ART Vancouver)
there is no other way of putting itиначе это никак не назовёшь (It was illegal, there's no other way of putting it. ART Vancouver)
there is no question of a mistakeошибки быть не может (In June 1966 a couple on the lake [Seton Lake] in a 25-foot boat sailed alongside a giant fish. Paul Polischuk said: 'It was a giant sturgeon, a good ten feet longer than my boat. It swam close to the surface for quite a long time before turning and heading for deep water. There is no question of a mistake.' (Janet & Colin Bord, "Unexplained Mysteries of The 20th Century") ART Vancouver)
there is no question of a mistakeошибка исключена (In June 1966 a couple on the lake [Seton Lake] in a 25-foot boat sailed alongside a giant fish. Paul Polischuk said: 'It was a giant sturgeon, a good ten feet longer than my boat. It swam close to the surface for quite a long time before turning and heading for deep water. There is no question of a mistake.' (Janet & Colin Bord, "Unexplained Mysteries of The 20th Century") ART Vancouver)
there's no way of knowingнеизвестно (Based on the size of the footprints, it appears the child was less than 3 years old and did not accompany the older female on the return journey. Did she drop the kid off in a camp? Why were they traveling among dangerous animals on the slippery lakeshore? “There’s no way of knowing,” says Bennett. “But if you’ve ever rushed to get somewhere important while carrying a tired toddler, you’ve experienced a very similar emotion”—even if you weren’t looking over your shoulder for saber-toothed cats. smithsonianmag.com ART Vancouver)
there's no way of knowingэто невозможно установить (Based on the size of the footprints, it appears the child was less than 3 years old and did not accompany the older female on the return journey. Did she drop the kid off in a camp? Why were they traveling among dangerous animals on the slippery lakeshore? “There’s no way of knowing,” says Bennett. “But if you’ve ever rushed to get somewhere important while carrying a tired toddler, you’ve experienced a very similar emotion”—even if you weren’t looking over your shoulder for saber-toothed cats. smithsonianmag.com ART Vancouver)
think little ofне придать особого значения (The three-mile walk would have been familiar to Bridget, so she likely thought little of the medieval earthen ring fort on Kylenagranagh Hill she passed along the way—a place known to many as a “fairy fort.” -- не придала особого значения atlasobscura.com ART Vancouver)
this is of little importance nowэто не актуально (предложил Палажченко П.Р. Leonid Dzhepko)
this letter is in furtherance of our phone conversation of this morningнастоящее письмо написано в продолжение нашего разговора по телефону сегодня утром
this raises a lot of questionsвозникает масса вопросов (ART Vancouver)
those of you thatте из вас, кто (Alex_Odeychuk)
Through every moment of the holidays, every day of the new year may peace and happiness be yoursПусть каждое мгновение праздников и каждый день в новом году будет мирным и счастливым для Вас (Leonid Dzhepko)
to the profound surprise ofк крайнему удивлению (The very weird incident reportedly occurred last Tuesday evening as Colin Davis McCarthy was cruising down the road in the city of Eugene and, to the profound surprise of the other motorists, he suddenly began tossing handfuls of $100 bills from his vehicle. -- к крайнему удивлению / изумлению coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver)
to the profound surprise of everyoneк всеобщему глубочайшему изумлению (Assessing the situation, cops gathered around the well and shouted down to the woman, asking for her name. In response, they heard her cry out "Juanita," which seemingly confirmed the concerned resident's report of someone being stuck, though they could see no sign of the woman with their flashlights. Eventually the fire department arrived with special equipment that allowed a rescuer to descend to the bottom of the well. However, to the profound surprise of everyone on the scene, Juanita was no where to be found as the pit was completely empty. A subsequent search of the area, including another well nearby, turned up nothing, which has led many to theorize that the woman crying out from the well was, in fact, a ghost. -- к глубочайшему изумлению всех присутствующих coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver)
turn into a way of lifeсделать повсеместным явлением (we helped turn this trend into a way of life for food manufacturers sankozh)
we are forwarding to you copies of documentsнаправляем Вам копии документов (при направлении коробки с документацией Leonid Dzhepko)
what is the point of a ...?в чём смысл ...? (What is the point of an election here in Canada if the losers can gang up and toss out the winner? I don't think this is what democracy is about. ART Vancouver)
what's the good of that?а что толку? (ART Vancouver)
when you come to think of itесли задуматься (It's funny when you come to think of it. He never gave me a receipt, and I don't think there was any business name written on the door. – Вообще-то, если задуматься, то что-то подозрительное в этом было. ART Vancouver)
will have heard ofнаверняка слыхали о (Most people will have heard of the Yeti, the Bigfoot and the Sasquatch but very few have seen any of these hairy man-beasts. -- Большинство людей наверняка слыхали о ... ART Vancouver)
within a relatively short period of timeза сравнительно короткий период времени (If the petroglyphs were made within a relatively short period of time, they may tell a story, said James Dodd, a researcher at Aarhus University in Denmark and the Tanums Hällristningsmuseum's Rock Art Research Centre Underslös in Sweden. livescience.com ART Vancouver)
within a short space of timeза короткое время (Within that short space of time these things usually are sorted out. – За это короткое время обычно всё становится на свои места. ART Vancouver)
within a short span of timeза короткий период времени (One curious aspect of the UFO phenomenon is how many sightings seem to come in waves, with many witnesses coming forward in the same area within a short span of time, for whatever reasons. (mysteriousuniverse.org) ART Vancouver)
within a short span of timeза короткий промежуток времени (One curious aspect of the UFO phenomenon is how many sightings seem to come in waves, with many witnesses coming forward in the same area within a short span of time, for whatever reasons. (mysteriousuniverse.org) ART Vancouver)
within a short span of timeв течение короткого времени (One curious aspect of the UFO phenomenon is how many sightings seem to come in waves, with many witnesses coming forward in the same area within a short span of time, for whatever reasons. (mysteriousuniverse.org) ART Vancouver)
without a single shred of guiltбез малейшего зазрения совести (Sun-drenched mornings that turn into typical raincouver afternoons, so I can hike for a bit and then abandon all plans in favour of lying on the sofa and watching "Harry Potter" without a single shred of guilt. (nsnews.com) ART Vancouver)
without a single shred of guiltне испытывая ни малейшего чувства вины (nsnews.com Alex_Odeychuk)
words of wisdomнапутственное слово (или слова: The governor offered some words of wisdom to the contestants. -- выступил с напутственным словом ART Vancouver)
would not be out of placeне помешать (A hot toddy would not be out of place, eh? ART Vancouver)
would not be out of placeвполне подойти (A columned, pedimented portico introduces a classical revival house that would not be out of place in the eastern U.S. (Ron Phillips) ART Vancouver)
would not be out of placeвполне быть к месту (A columned, pedimented portico introduces a classical revival house that would not be out of place in the eastern U.S. (Ron Phillips) ART Vancouver)
you can't make some of this stuff up, can you?нарочно не придумаешь (a listener's reaction ART Vancouver)
you have missed the point of the storyвы не поняли сути рассказа