
Terms for subject Religion containing mystery | all forms | exact matches only
deepest mysteries of faithглубочайшие таинства веры
mystery of lawlessnessтайна беззакония (hidden principle of rebellion against constituted authority – 2-е Фессалоникийцам Lena Nolte)
mystery of redemptionтайна искупления
mystery of salvationтаинство искупления
Mystery of the Eucharistтаинство евхаристии
mystery of the Gospelтайна благовествования (Lena Nolte)
mystery religionsмистерии (Secret cults of the Greco-Roman world that offered to individuals a way to feel religious experiences not provided by the official public religions)
sharer of the monastic mysteryсотаинник (термин предложен Maksym Kozub: That bond is known in church language by a special term: sotainnik, which could be rendered as 'sharer of the monastic mystery,' or simply as 'co-mystic – from 'Father Seraphim Rose: His Life and Works' Tamerlane)