
Terms containing misappropriation | all forms | exact matches only
lawasset misappropriationнезаконное присвоение средств (Victorian)
gen.asset misappropriationхищение (Ремедиос_П)
econ.collaborative misappropriationгрупповое хищение
archit.data misappropriationнезаконное присвоение информации (Andrew052)
gen.Department Against Misappropriation of Socialist PropertyОтдел по борьбе с хищениями социалистической собственности (shortly The OBKhSS, Russian: Отдел по борьбе с хищениями социалистической собственности, ОБХСС) was the Soviet financial police. They are responsible for the regulation of economic laws fight against theft of socialist property in the organizations and institutions of state commerce, consumer, industrial and individual co-operatives, savings banks and procurement agencies, as well as to fight against speculation. OBKhSS was established as a department of the Main Police Department of the NKVD USSR in March 16, 1937 in Order of the People's Commissar ¹ 0018. From 1946 to 1991 under the authority of The Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR. Currently Successor of the OBKhss in similar function is the OBEP – The Department for fighting against Economic crimes of MVD and the DEB – Department for Economic Security. Taras)
lawfraudulent misappropriationприсвоение путём обмана (com.au Евгений Челядник)
crim.law.large-scale misappropriation by fraudхищение чужого имущества в крупном размере путём обмана или злоупотребления доверием (Alex_Odeychuk)
econ.losses from misappropriationsубытки от хищений
econ.malicious misappropriationзлостное хищение
gen.misappropriation and embezzlement.присвоение и растрата (Harbor Light Asset Management, LLC, With Solicitation Fraud, Misappropriation, And Embezzlement In Ponzi Scheme – Defendants Charged | a US entertainment conglomerate with international operations in prosecuting a complaint for misappropriation and embezzlement against a former employee | The fraud concerns the misappropriation and embezzlement of major financing secured from a syndicate of high street banks. Alexander Demidov)
lawmisappropriation doctrineдоктрина незаконного присвоения (Shtommi)
polit.misappropriation of aidнезаконное присвоение помощи (ssn)
econ.misappropriation of fundsрастрата денег (In law, misappropriation is the intentional, illegal use of the property or funds of another person for one's own use or other unauthorized purpose, particularly by a public official, a trustee of a trust, an executor or administrator of a dead person's estate or by any person with a responsibility to care for and protect another's assets (a fiduciary duty). It is a felony, a crime punishable by a prison sentence. WAD Alexander Demidov)
gen.misappropriation of fundsнецелевое расходование средств (Mosley Leigh)
gen.misappropriation of public fundsзавладение государственным имуществом (sunman)
gen.misappropriation of public fundsхищение государственного имущества (sunman)
Gruzovik, lawmisappropriation of service propertyприсвоение военного имущества
crim.law.misappropriation of state fundsнецелевое расходование бюджетных средств (казнокрадство Alex_Odeychuk)
hist.misappropriation of state fundsказнокрадство (Alex_Odeychuk)
gen.Misappropriation or EmbezzlementПрисвоение или растрата (статья 160 УК РФ marzipulya)
lawnews misappropriation tortнезаконное присвоение новостей (Shtommi)
notar.petty waste or misappropriation or theft or embezzlementхищение мелкое
notar.waste or misappropriation or theft or embezzlement on a large scaleхищение в крупных размерах