
Terms for subject Latin containing mens | all forms | exact matches only
actus mensразумное действие
Actus non facit ream, nisi mens sit reaДействие не делает виновным, если не виновен разум (Leonid Dzhepko)
mens reaпреступный умысел (т.е. субъективная сторона преступления; Black's Law Dictionary – The state of mind that the prosecution, to secure a conviction, must prove that a defendant had when committing a crime; criminal intent or recklessness. Mens rea is the second of two essential elements of every crime at common law, the other being the actus reus. Also termed – mental element; criminal intent; guilty mind. алешаBG)
mens sana in corpore sanoв здоровом теле здоровый дух (Anglophile)