
Terms for subject Microsoft containing loops | all forms
counting loopцикл со счётчиком (In a program, a group of statements that are repeated, thereby incrementing a variable used as a counter (for example, a program might repeat a counting loop that adds 1 to its counter until the counter equals 10))
infinite loopбесконечный цикл (A loop that, because of semantic or logic errors, can never terminate through normal means)
loop durationдлительность цикла (The number of times that a portion of an animation storyboard is repeated)
photo loopфотосерия (" A series of pictures that are continuously stored in the Camera app so the user can go "back" or "forward" in time from the moment they actually pressed the button to capture a photo.")
sync loopпетля синхронизации (A series of synchronizations that is repeated until a terminating condition is reached)
synchronization loopпетля синхронизации (A series of synchronizations that is repeated until a terminating condition is reached)