
Terms for subject British usage, not spelling containing load of | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
a load of old cobblersчушь (slitely_mad)
a load of old cobblersчушь собачья (slitely_mad)
a load of old cobblersчепуха (slitely_mad)
a load of bullshitлажа полнейшая (He gave me some excuse but it was a load of bullshit. Val_Ships)
load of codswallopерунда на постном масле (Anglophile)
load of codswallopсплошная чепуха (Anglophile)
load of rubbishнесусветная чушь
load of rubbishполная ахинея
that's a load of rubbish!Чушь! (ART Vancouver)
what a load of cack!что за бред! (slitely_mad)
what a load of cack!бред сивой кобылы (slitely_mad)
what a load of cack!чушь собачья (slitely_mad)