
Terms containing like a streak | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
Makarov.he can read like a blue streakон глотает книги
Makarov.like a blue streakэффективно
inf.like a blue streakсо свистом
Makarov.like a blue streakмолниеносно
Makarov.like a blue streakбыстро
idiom.like a streakв мгновение ока (At this point one of the nurses – whose identity is surprisingly difficult to discern considering how well documented this case is – raced down the corridor and into a lavatory on the other side of the building and watched as the UFO rotated five times, then shot off "like a streak. mysteriousuniverse.org ART Vancouver)
idiom.like a streakкак ветром сдуло (When he heard the news, he was out of the room like a streak. ART Vancouver)
gen.like a streak of lightningс быстротою молнии
gen.the building shows from here like a dark streakотсюда здание кажется тёмной полосой
gen.the motorboat was going like a streakмоторка летела, как стрела