
Terms for subject Football containing kicking | all forms | exact matches only
ballooned kickсвеча (Alexgrus)
banana kickсухой лист (Alex Lilo)
clearing kick"удар на отбой"
direct free-kickштрафной удар
drop-kickудар с полулета
drop-kickудар с остановкой
goal kickвыбивание мяча вратарём
have the kick repeatedдать опять произвести удар
have the kick repeatedдавать опять произвести удар
heeling kickудар пяткой
high kickвысокий мяч
indirect free-kickсвободный удар
indirect free kickсвободный удар (Free kick (association football) - A free kick is a method of restarting play in association football. It is awarded after an infringement of the laws by the opposing team.- Direct and indirect free kicks – Free kicks may be either direct or indirect, distinguished as follows: – An attacking goal may be scored directly from a direct free kick, but not from an indirect free kick. - Direct free kicks are awarded for more serious offences (handball and most types of foul play – see below for a complete list), while indirect free kicks are awarded for less serious offences – A direct free kick cannot be awarded in the offending team's penalty area: if a team in its own penalty area commits an offence normally punished by a direct free kick, a penalty kick is awarded instead. An indirect free kick may be awarded for an offence committed anywhere. wikipedia.org)
instep-kickудар подъёмом
kick and runбей-беги (VLZ_58)
kick back over his own headоттянуть назад
kick back over his own headоттягивать назад
kick in runningбить с разбега
kick-offначальный удар
kick offвводить мяч в игру (ssn)
kick- off timeвремя начала матча (Johnny Bravo)
kick outвыбить мяч (the ball)
kick outвыбивать мяч (the ball)
kick-out from handsвыбивать мяч с рук
kick the ballбить по мячу
kick the ball clearвыбивать мяч (Юрий Гомон)
kicking footбьющая нога
kicking footударная нога (JIZM)
line up for the kick-offвыстраиваться к началу игры
low kickнизкий мяч
non-kicking footопорная нога
overhead kickоттягивание назад
overhead-kickудар ножницами (chriss)
penalty kickодиннадцати-метровый удар
penalty kick markодиннадцати-метровая отмотка
penalty kick markодиннадцатиметровая отместка
scissor-kickудар через себя (Catherine-the-Brave)
scissors kickудар "ножницами" (Mika Taiyo)
straight kickпрямой удар
swirling kickподкрученный удар (Alex Lilo)
toe kickудар носком (Alexgrus)
volley kickбить без остановки (с лёту)