English | Russian |
kick something into the long grass | положить под сукно ($nakeeye) |
kick the can down the road | откладывать решение важной проблемы на потом (TransUz) |
kick the dirt | бить копытом (и в прямом, и в переносном смысле fa158) |
start someone with a kick | дать кому-то пинка под зад, чтобы тот с места сдвинулся (Phylonette) |
start someone with a kick | пнуть кого-то, чтобы тот пошёл (The imbecile (there is an imbecile in every collection of tramps) said that he was too tired to walk and clung to the railings, until the Tramp Major had to dislodge him and start him with a kick. G.Orwell "Down and out in Paris and London". Phylonette) |