
Terms for subject Cliche / convention containing just | all forms | exact matches only
I'll do just thisя так и сделаю ("You should ask around the Fishermen's Wharf (foot of West 1st Ave)." "Thanks a lot, I’ll do just this." (Twitter) ART Vancouver)
I'm just fine with thatменя это вполне устраивает (ART Vancouver)
I'm just wonderingмне бы хотелось узнать (I'm just wondering, how expensive is it to run a gas fireplace in our state? ART Vancouver)
I'm just wonderingхотелось бы знать (I'm just wondering, how do expect to turn a profit with these operating costs? ART Vancouver)
I'm just wonderingмне бы хотелось знать (I'm just wondering what this is going to cost. ART Vancouver)
I'm just wonderingмне просто интересно (I'm just wondering, how much do our MPs get paid? ART Vancouver)
in just about the worst way possibleхуже и помыслить нельзя (Now, we come to the matter of seeing into the future – but, in just about the worst way possible. mysteriousuniverse.org ART Vancouver)
in just about the worst way possibleхуже не придумаешь (Now, we come to the matter of seeing into the future – but, in just about the worst way possible. mysteriousuniverse.org ART Vancouver)
it just blows me away!меня это просто поражает! (expressing anger, indignation ART Vancouver)
it just didn't occur to meя не подумал об этом (ART Vancouver)
it just didn't occur to meмне это не пришло в голову (ART Vancouver)
just a call awayдостаточно сделать один звонок (sankozh)
just a little while agoсовсем недавно (ART Vancouver)
just as importantчто не менее важно (I have the benefit of an economic background and, just as important, some degree of experience managing a medium-sized company. ART Vancouver)
just for the sake of argumentесли уж на то пошло ("Not sure what can be done to stop the Pacific Ocean." "If you can fill in a sandbar with material you dredged up from False Creek to pull it out of the ocean in the first place, you can do it again to make it a little taller so the ocean doesn't take it back." "Just for the sake of argument, they could build a lock at the mouth of False Creek since it's not that wide in the grand scheme of things." "It's impractical and stupid. The plan will be to build an extended, higher seawall that funds itself by reclaiming a strip of new waterfront land that can be sold to fund the construction." (Reddit) ART Vancouver)
just imagineподумать только
just in time forкак нельзя более кстати (Just in time for the hot weather, we're opening our Ice Cream shop to help cool you off Thurs- Mon 12pm – 6pm! ART Vancouver)
just in time forкак нельзя более вовремя (Just in time for the hot weather, we're opening our Ice Cream shop to help cool you off Thurs- Mon 12pm – 6pm! ART Vancouver)
just + present progressive + right nowкак раз сейчас (Я как раз сейчас этим занимаюсь. – I am just working on this right now. ART Vancouver)
just recentlyсовсем недавно (A contributor on BNN today said the business climate in Canada is already poor and noted that there used to be 12 solar panel production companies in Ontario and over the past decade 11 have left with the last one moving to Connecticut just recently. (Twitter) • The CRTC just recently handed down this decision. ART Vancouver)
just rightподходит (It's a sleek piece that offers a nod to Art Deco. And it doesn't set you back US$3,000. It's just right for any space in your home. – подойдёт для любого места у вас дома ART Vancouver)
just sayin'это я так, к слову (выражение завершает предположение или изложение фактов, избегая конкретных выводов ART Vancouver)
just shy ofнемного не дотянуть (Today's temperatures just shy of record, with 27C along the coast and close to 35C inland. ART Vancouver)
just shy ofнемного не дожив до (The beloved actress passed away just shy of her 100th birthday. ART Vancouver)
just the other way aroundкак раз наоборот
just to give you some ideaдля понимания («Со стороны всегда кажется: “Чего уж проще — сделать дорогу”. Для понимания, здесь участок около 130 метров. Но подрядной организации нужно было выполнить комплекс мероприятий по расчистке полосы отвода, разбивке основных осей сооружения и расстановке средств организации дорожного движения», — написал глава региона. sevastopol.su ART Vancouver)
May everyone get his just desertsкаждому воздастся по заслугам ("their" из соображений политкорректности VLZ_58)
not just aне просто (It's not just a pen, it's the revolutionary self-writing, autocorrecting pen. • "That's not just any baby, that's the baby." "The baby? What do you mean -- the baby?" "Muriel's baby, of course." (Jeeves And Wooster — Introduction on Broadway) ART Vancouver)
remodeling doesn't get finished, it just gets stoppedремонт не кончается, а прекращается (per Michele A. Berdy Leonid Dzhepko)
seems like just yesterdayкажется, что только вчера (Seems like just yesterday we were investing in dot-com stocks. ART Vancouver)
there's just no way around itэтого нельзя избежать (ART Vancouver)
there's just no way around itэто неизбежно (ART Vancouver)
this just goes to showвот наглядное доказательство (This just goes to show you: start monkeying around with an institution that people are perfectly happy with, and you may end up with something horrible and expensive. • This just goes to show how really far from reality our left-wing politicians have travelled. ART Vancouver)
you got your just dessertsкаждому воздастся по заслугам (Interex)
you just can't make this stuff upнарочно не придумаешь (Civil servants using a government credit card to pay for their meals at Hooters? Wow! You just can't make this stuff up! ART Vancouver)