
Terms for subject Proverb containing it will be | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
da bump on the head will still be blue whether you do it yourself or it's done to youчто в лоб, что по лбу
it will be brought to naughtэтот номер не пройдёт
it will be done right to a Tкомар носа не подточит
it will be shipshapeкомар носа не подточит
it will be shipshapeкомар носу не подточит (or done right to a t)
it will be up to the markкомар носа не подточит
it will be up to the markкомар носу не подточит
it would've been nice to be in paradise, but many a sin doesn't let me in!рад бы в рай, да грехи не пускают
spit on a stone, and it will be wet at lastкапля и камень точит
spit on a stone, and it will be wet at lastвода камень долбит
spit on a stone, and it will be wet at lastвода и камень долбит
spit on a stone, and it will be wet at lastвода и камень точит
spit on a stone, and it will be wet at lastвода камень точит
spit on a stone, and it will be wet at lastкапля и камень долбит
spit on the stone, and it will be wet at lastкапля и камень точит
spit on the stone, and it will be wet at lastвода камень точит
spit on the stone, and it will be wet at lastвода и камень долбит
spit on the stone, and it will be wet at lastвода и камень точит
spit on the stone, and it will be wet at lastвода камень долбит
spit on the stone, and it will be wet at lastкапля и камень долбит
used to mean: you'll never overcome that obstacle, it's too big for you you can't knock down a wall with a pea-shooterлбом стенку не прошибешь
used to mean: you'll never overcome that obstacle, it's too big for you you can't knock down a wall with a pea-shooterлбом стену не прошибешь
used to mean: you'll never overcome that obstacle, it's too big for you you can't knock down a wall with a pea-shooterлбом стены не прошибешь