
Terms for subject Formal containing is this | all forms
I hereby certify that this is a true copy of the original documentнастоящим удостоверяется, что данный документ является действительной ксерокопией подлинного документа (ART Vancouver)
in the event that this Agreement is terminatedв случае расторжения настоящего Договора
this is a reminder toНапоминаем Вам (+ do smth: This is a reminder to register your copy of the product. ART Vancouver)
this is not to necessarily suggest thatэто совсем не означает, что (While it is clear that humans and other animals possess consciousness, one theory goes one step further by suggesting that absolutely everything – from the planets in the solar system to the chair you are sitting on – are conscious as well. Known as panpsychism, this idea is not a new one, but a growing number of scientists seem to be subscribing to the notion that consciousness may be far more pervasive than we previously thought. This is not to necessarily suggest that a chair, for example, is just as conscious as a human, but that objects possess levels of consciousness relative to their state and complexity. At the most basic level, even fundamental particles may possess some level of consciousness. (unexplained-mysteries.com) ART Vancouver)
this is to acknowledgeнастоящим подтверждается (Charikova)
this is to certifyнастоящим подтверждается (Charikova)
this is to confirmнастоящим подтверждается (Charikova)
this is to confirm receipt of the contractнастоящим подтверждается получение контракта
this is to give noticeнастоящим сообщается
this is to give noticeдоводится до всеобщего сведения
this letter is confirmation thatнастоящей справкой подтверждается, что
this letter is to verify thatнастоящая справка подтверждает, что (ART Vancouver)
this letter is to verify thatнастоящей справкой подтверждается, что (ART Vancouver)
this viewpoint is shared byэту точку зрения разделяет (...)
when this is not the caseв противном случае (goroshko)