
Terms for subject Geology containing is of | all forms
a syncline is positioned in front of an anticlineперед антиклиналью находится синклиналь (ArcticFox)
gas portion of the accumulation is tiltedнаклон газовой части залежи
here's a ruble for each of youвот вам по рублю на брата
it is built ofв строении принимают участие (This thick platform is built of mudstones, peletal and oolitic packstones, wackestones and grainstones. ArcticFox)
the geological history of ... is a complex and varied one.геологическая история ... сложна и разнообразна
the ore body N1 has been exposed by wider spacing of drill holesрудное тело N1 разведано по более редкой сети
top and base of the interval been mappedкровли и подошвы картированного интервала