
Terms for subject Law containing in repair | all forms
clean and in good repairв чистом и отремонтированном состоянии (Premises, furniture and equipment to be safe, clean and in good repair ... Alexander Demidov)
in good repairв технически годном состояние (Alexander Demidov)
keep in good repairследить за исправностью (Special tools and equipment are provided to make it easier to do particular maintenance tasks and to keep the equipment in good repair. Your ability to keep the equipment in good repair and working accurately will make your service an extremely valuable one to many test- ing sites in your area. The Lessee shall be responsible for all costs to keep the Equipment in good repair, condition and working order and shall furnish any and all parts, mechanisms ... Alexander Demidov)
keep in good repairобеспечивать надлежащее состояние (Alexander Demidov)