
Terms for subject Idiomatic containing in one | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
all one's eggs in one basketвсё в одну кучу (Interex)
all your eggs in one basketрисковать всем сразу (Tarija)
as though one saw it in a crystal ballкак в воду глядел (VLZ_58)
be in one's wheelhouseсоответствовать способностям или интересам (кого-либо; A movie script that is right in that actor’s wheelhouse.)
be in one's wheelhouseна своём поле (US A place or situation in which one is advantageously at ease:)
be one in the eye forразочаровать кого-то (someone Tumatutuma)
be one in the eye forнеприятно удивить кого-то (someone Tumatutuma)
be one in the eye forдосадить кому-нибудь (someone Tumatutuma)
be one in the eye forразозлить кого-то (someone Tumatutuma)
be one in the eye forсделать что-то назло кому-то (someone Tumatutuma)
be one in the eye for"насолить" кому-нибудь (someone Tumatutuma)
curse someone until one blue in the faceругать по чём зря (VLZ_58)
go in one ear and out the otherне понимать из-за отсутствия интереса к предмету разговора (Yeldar Azanbayev)
have just one oar in the waterиметь туман в голове (to not be thinking clearly КГА)
have just one oar in the waterплохо соображать (КГА)
have one foot in the graveбыть одной ногой в могиле (Example: I was so sick, I felt as if I had one foot in the grave. He's been telling everyone he's got one foot in the grave for years now. Denis Lebedev)
have one in the ovenносить ребёнка (to be pregnant with a child; e.g.: She's got three kids and one in the oven Taras)
have one in the ovenвынашивать ребёнка (Taras)
have one in the ovenбыть беременной (Taras)
in at one ear, out at the otherв одно ухо влетело, в другое вылетело
in one fell swoopразом (YNell)
in one fell swoopза один присест (VLZ_58)
all in one goодним махом (You usually collect a lot of files and burn them onto the disc in one go. Также используется вариант "at one go". VLZ_58)
in one pullв один приём (Acruxia)
in one sittingодним махом (I read the book in one sitting and couldn't get to sleep after I finished it. Также используется вариант "at one sitting". VLZ_58)
it goes in one ear and straight out of the otherв одно ухо влетает, а из другого вылетает (Jokingly he added: "I constantly have to lecture Mark Collett about all sorts of things. He is a pig ignorant man. Often it goes in one ear and straight out of the other." bbc.co.uk)
it may be insane to live in a dream, but it is madness to live without oneещё глупей не иметь ни одной (Yeldar Azanbayev)
it may be insane to live in a dream, but it is madness to live without oneбезумно жить одной мечтой (Yeldar Azanbayev)
lie in the bed one has madeпожинать то, что посеял (Bobrovska)
lie in the bed one has madeрасплачиваться за свои поступки (происходит от пословицы as you make your bed, so you must lie on it Bobrovska)
one can't be in two places at onceза всеми не усмотришь
one couldn't be cozier in the good Lord's pocketкак у Христа за пазухой (grafleonov)
one in, all inодин за всех и все за одного (We're going to fight this – one in, all in. Ufel Trabel)
one in the ovenносить ребёнка (тж. см. have one in the oven Taras)
one in the ovenвынашивать ребёнка (Taras)
one in the ovenбыть беременной (Taras)
one still has it in the tankесть ещё порох в пороховницах (у него ещё есть порох в пороховницах – he still has it in the tank Evgeny Shamlidi)
place all economic eggs in one basketcвязывать все экономические проблемы в один узел (tavost)
put a spoke in one's wheelвставлять палки в колёса
put spokes in one's wheelвставлять палки в колёса
the one in a pickle is the one who's got to tickleспасение утопающих – дело рук самих утопающих (Вариант перевода на английский язык Alexander Oshis)
till one is blue in the faceдо потери сознания (Taras)
till one is blue in the faceдо потери пульса (You can talk until you're blue in the face, but you'll never convince me Taras)
till one is blue in the faceдо умопомрачения (в знач. "до посинения": I could talk till I'm blue in the face about why these techniques are falsely touted to be as effective as they are, but seeing real world examples cannot be disputed. • You can argue about it till you're blue in the face but no one knows the real truth. 4uzhoj)
till one is blue in the faceдо посинения (I could talk till I'm blue in the face about why these techniques are falsely touted to be as effective as they are, but seeing real world examples cannot be disputed. • You can argue about it till you're blue in the face but no one knows the real truth. Anglophile)
too many cooks in one kitchenдва медведя в одной берлоге не живут (Alex_Odeychuk)
until one is blue in the faceдо посинения (bigmaxus)